Had my 20 week scan yesterday :) **scan pic**


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I had my 20 week scan yesterday and the lady confirmed it was a girl. She is very lazy tho lol. She had her back to us so the lady had my jumping up and down and shacking my self around. But she wouldn't move so i had to go and have a hot chocolate to give her a sugar fix and have a walk around and go back, and she still wouldn't move lol. So i have another scan next Thursday because she couldn't get a good look at the heart to make sure everything was okay. b
But said everything looked fine.

I then went to see my midwife, who i didn't really like she was very opinionated and bossy. The other midwife I had the first time was much more like these are your options and its your choice.

Any way i turns out i am Rhesus Negative, which my nan was so i have to have 2 extra injections of anti D in case any of the babys blood mixes with mine.

I also have "probable alpha thalassaemia trait" which she was absolutely crap at explaining in my opinion.
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Ive been trying to upload a photo but it keeps failing :(
Congratulations on team pink! And you get an extra scan :D Shame about your midwife not being nice this time, hopefully next visit you'll get a better one. Last thing you need is someone being like that with you!
Is the pic too big? Sometimes resizing is the issue (usually is for me).
Thanks :) i will try and re size now. Yeah its cool that im getting an extra scan cos i just got one of the back of her body really, shes either going to be really awkward or lazy hopefully n like to sleep lol
yey it worked :) i think lol


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Even though its of her back it's really clear! Hopefully she behaves next week and gives you a proper look :)

At my last scan they made me go drink a cold can of coke half way through and that really got mine moving, temperature sugar and caffeine! Also a nice treat for me lol.

lol thanks. she told me either to drink coke or hot chocolate im really not a coke fan n love hot chocolate, maybe the coke woulda done the trick tho lol.
aww congrats hun on your little girl :) and yay for another scan :) at least you get to see little one again :) xxx
Yea im glad i have another scan and only a week to wait :)
Congrats on team pink :) Glad all went well and you got a lovely pic! :)
Congratulations on joining team pink!

Hope your princess behaves for your next scan.
Thanks hopefully i get a better pic next time, shes been moving about loads today... she was being awkward yesterday lol
That's a lovely clear pic you see her little fingers awww beautiful . What a nice suprise to get an extra scan too, I ate some haribo sweets just before my scans bubs behaved perfectly both times may be that will work for you too. xx
I've just noticed on her back there's a really clear face. Spooky

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