Had early scan - now worrying AGAIN!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I went in for an early scan yesterday as I was having some pains ( no bleeding). I was a nervous wreck expecting the worst after losing a twin at 7 weeks, having an ectopic at 9 weeks and a missed m/c at 7 weeks. They checked my tubes first which ruled out an ectopic - thank God. Then they found the sac and baby with a faint heartbeat. I broke down in tears from happiness. She wanted to do a internal then and we saw baby and really strong fast heartbeat. She said that I was measuring at 6 weeks and 2 days and that everything was normal for that gestation. I had thought I was 7 weeks and 1 day but my periods are always wierd and my cycles can range from 29-36 days so this made sense. I came away with 2 scan pics and looking at them see that baby only measures 1.8mm. After having typed this into Google ( i know i shouldnt have!) it says that baby should be between 2 and 5 mm. My hubby says to trust what the sonographer said about all being fine. Have any of you had this happen to you? Am I worrying for nothing or should I be concerned?
Scarlett :?
i dont think they would have told you everything was fine if it wasnt, try not worry and remember that strong little heart beat you seen, that says it all :D
I'd try not to worry and go with what your sonographer told you :) You heard a heartbeat, little one is in there and doing ok, so please try to relax. Early scans often prove tricky to pin down to exact dates and size and so on, so really don't worry yourself about it.

You know your LO is in there and you have the pics to prove it! Stop tormenting yourself when you don't have to. LO is there inside you and that's the most important thing. Every baby grows at a different speed, so its not an exact science.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations on baby having a healthy heartbeat!

I was given a pregancy book by my doctor and 2 different ones by the midwife, and all say different measurements for my stage of pregancy, so I really wouldn't worry about it.

I say this all the time but this it what they're here for, but if it really is worrying you, then I'd call your midwife just for peace of mind :)

I wouldn't worry about the measurements - remember babies aren't all the same size when they come out so they aren't going to be during pregnancy.

The heartbeat is the main thing at this stage!

Can we see the pics?
Bear in mind how zoomed in the early scans are, it can't be hard to be 0.2mm out when she's looking at a pixellated screen. I'm sure everything will be great :)
Does it state CRL is that measurement? I'd not worry about the measurement as long as you saw a nice healthy HB :D
Don't worry! The measurements caren't very accurate when they are that small as the lines are blurry. It could easily have been a few mm out.
You saw a heartbeat which is great!! xxxx
Congratulations hon :clap: :D
in your pregnancy and a strong healthy heart beat. :D
Dont w orry about the size is belive the sonographer.and she said the baby is fine.
I never use the internet to check on things baby health wise i find its so full of miss infromation and scarey nonsence it can leave you in a jibbering reck.
Using this forum ans asking the girls helps every thme ive been concerned.

Congrats again :dance:
Lol Sarah

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