had consultants appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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I went for my consultants appointment today.they prodded and poked and decided yes baby is (quote) 'a bit on the large size!'

I have to go back next thursday and have a growth scan,then see the consultant straight after.They will almost certainly do a diabetes test and then take it from there.

My bmi has gone up rather a lot to 40 :oops: so at 34 weeks i have to see the anaesthetist.

dpending on the results from the scan they may decide to induce me early.my daughter was 8lb 1 and a half so they say I will be ok up to 9lbs birthweight.If baby is arond 9lbs they will just monitor but if hes nearer 10lbs then they may suggest inducement or caesarian.

keep your fingers crossed :D :moon:
Aww i just sent you a pm to say Good luck but you have already been.

Good luck with the scan next week at least you get to see Max again.

There seems to be a lot of you having large babies at the mo there must be something in the water.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww thanks.

yes the extra scan is a good thing Im quite looking forward to that bit :) and of course ill be checking for little boys bits just in case :rotfl:

not sure I fancy pushing a bigggg baby out but guess hes gotta come out somehow and i dont fancy caesarian either. :shock: st hope he holds on til after kiaras birthday on 26th march!

hows everyone else?
I hope the growth scan goes ok, it is quite tricky for anyone to tell how large a baby really is without the scan. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a good result for you :hug:
You said in the very beginning all those weeks ago that you would be early now its looking like you were right. Hopefully only a few weeks or so then it wont clash with Kiaras b day too much. :hug:
If they do induce you did they give you a time in when they are thinking with you being 29 weeks now
a big thankyou to everyone who replied and huge :hug: to all you ladies.Ive not been around much im trying to keep myself busy and get some of those jobs done ive been planning since we moved in last may.ive nearly decorated the whole house :rotfl: i have my growth scan thursday and then back to the consultant I am a bit nervous to say the least so keeping my mind occupied is helping,just didnt want you ladies to think id deserted you altogether :) I will try and catch up later with my reading as seems to be lots of threads for me to read,should keep me busy eh :rotfl:

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