Had consultant today and Downs results

Congrats on your downs results, i also got mine through today after just waiting 4 days! Im also low risk :dance: Good Luck for the gender scan tomorrow, how exciting, and be sure to post a pic! :)
I will of course hun :cheer: :cheer:

Thats fab news about your Downs results too :hug: :hug:
Congrats on the downs results! :D Bet you can't wait for tomorrow now! xxx
Glad the results came back low risk, cant wait to see picy tomorrow :cheer:
Are you wanting a boy this time around Snuggle or dont you mind? :)
Aww glad all is alright for ya .......

Excited i bet you wont sleep tonight :D
Glad the test results came back fine. Good luck for the scan tomorrow! :cheer:
Laurababs said:
Are you wanting a boy this time around Snuggle or dont you mind? :)

I dont mind at all, hubby would like to have a boy this time of course but is more than happy if its another wee girl :hug:

Thank you for replies girls :hug: :hug:
Hey hon! Congratulations! :dance: will be logging on tomorrow to see what team you are! :wink:

Congrats to you too Laurababs - :clap:
congrats :)

i had my downs test done 19th jan.. am sure she said to me, if you're low risk you wont hear anything.. but if your high risk, you'll get a letter within 2 weeks?

anyone heard of you not getting informed at all if you're low risk? i'd still like a letter to confirm it!!

i have my gender scan today - 7:30pm :)
LittleManda said:
congrats :)

i had my downs test done 19th jan.. am sure she said to me, if you're low risk you wont hear anything.. but if your high risk, you'll get a letter within 2 weeks?

anyone heard of you not getting informed at all if you're low risk? i'd still like a letter to confirm it!!

i have my gender scan today - 7:30pm :)

Oh wow, you must be so excited!! :cheer: :cheer: Are you feeling pink or blue?

Not sure about the letter thing as we get told face to face by MW here :hug:
Snuggle said:
LittleManda said:
congrats :)

i had my downs test done 19th jan.. am sure she said to me, if you're low risk you wont hear anything.. but if your high risk, you'll get a letter within 2 weeks?

anyone heard of you not getting informed at all if you're low risk? i'd still like a letter to confirm it!!

i have my gender scan today - 7:30pm :)

Oh wow, you must be so excited!! :cheer: :cheer: Are you feeling pink or blue?

Not sure about the letter thing as we get told face to face by MW here :hug:

maybe i'll just find out at my mw appointment if i'm low risk!!

yep so excited, i cant wait.. this is going to be the longest day ever :rotfl:

tasha predicted girl on the nub theory :D

i think boy for some reason, but i dont know why :lol:
Will you be on later to let us all know and show us a piccy hun? :cheer: :cheer:
yep i will do :)

i have gone private for this scan as i couldnt wait another 3 weeks for my nhs 1 :rotfl:

the place is in town so when we've had the scan we're going to go for a celebratory orange juice :) and then i'll be on here when i get back!!

i get a 2d dvd aswell!!

you leaning towards boy or girl for yours?
Boy but I dont know why! All the old wives tales point towards a girl :hug:
ooooo its so excitin..

i will be spending all my wages shopping tomorrow :rotfl:

what time is your appointment?
Its at 1:30pm hun but going shopping straight after so will be on a bit later to reveal all :hug:
Good luck for tommorrow hun cant wait to see your piccy's and hear what team your on! :cheer: :hug:

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