Had consultant appointment...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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I waited an hour to be seen in a crowded boiling hot waiting room, only to be told that there was only one consultant in.

So anyway, I saw her, got my blood pressure done, she asked if I felt ok and that was about it.

She booked me in for another growth scan in 4 weeks. Apart from that I didnt get to ask any questions about SPD or anything else for that matter. All through the appointment all I heard was her and the assistant going on about how many patients they had to get through.

My blood test results were meant to be there for today but when I reminded her she said she didnt know how to work the computer so I have to see my midwife next time I go.

I looked at her writing notes and she kept putting down that I was 34 weeks. I told her Im only 32+3 and she told me I was wrong!!!! :o Then I got her to check and she said 'Oh, you're right actually' :shock:

I am so pissed off right now its unbelieveable. Im gonna stop here before I use a whole page for ranting :x
ow bless you hun bet you was so mad have some hugs from me hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Very BIG hugs kirsty :hug:
You get it off your chest, so sorry they weren't on the ball and never gave you time to ask questions :hug:

It's awful when appoints are like this. I expect much the same on Friday, they feel like a complete waste of time.
Seeing my consultant today was really a complete waist of time too. :wall: :x
Yes i have SPD but theres nothing they can do about it. At all. she was like 'get on with it' attitude, not sympathetic at all. She wrote on my notes that im fully mobile! ffs! i was in agony just getting on the bed. :evil: i was there for all of 3 minutes.
I said that my midwife said that if i was inpain you would book me in for a sweep. She was like 'No way' not til your 10-12 days OVERDUE!!!!
(Well they'll have a job cos im away at a wedding (miles out of liverpool) that week lmao) so im gonna book it myself for next Thursday through MY midwife... not some random woman who just couldnt be arsed today.
Im pretty sure my midwife will be ok with it.

Also this woman has said the heads not engaged......... (?????) wtf??? i KNOW it is - it feels like theres a melon between my legs and its been engaged (fully) according to my midwife for about 3 weeks.

:wall: :wall:

anyways heres some hugs kirst, i know how you feel :hug: :hug:
i get this same treatment at the hospital too!!! the midwife there is normally ok. its the sonographers that don't seem to give a toss! there is only one person there- who is male that seems genuinely interested in your baby! the women are terrible. in all the 5 scans i have had this is always the case!


(my addition scans are to check babies growth- incase anyone was wonderin why they've only had two!)
kirsty & rachelandjarvis- :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

sorry ur consultant apps were rubbish. hope ur future apps not like that!
Im not having much luck at all with this pregnancy - the midwife I see at my normal appointments can never be bothered either.

At my last appointment on Friday though I had a different one (normal one was on holiday) and she was amazing, I felt like I could really talk to her and she answered alot of questions that I've felt I couldnt ask before. She was just so nice and made me feel so much at ease. And I was actually there for more than 5 minutes and I didnt feel like I was holding her up.

I really wish I had her all the time :|
That happened to me too kirsty, I saw a wonderful MW only to be told she was moving and I just haven't bonded the same way after weeks with my regular MW, it's a shame we can't choose :?

Sorry you had a bad appointment hun , i hate when they are aweful like that, just think at least he will be here soon and you wont have to deal with it no more
Sorry you had unhelpful appointments girls :hug: It really is disappointing I know I've had a similar thing with "my MW" (only seen her once now it's a different one).

I wish the MWs realised how special our babies are to us. I know they get to see lots of ladies and must examine thousands of tummies but they could have just a little more interest at times. :think:

I've found the hospital MWs and 2 of my local GPs were much more interested. So now I don't care about making an appt with the MW - I just go to the nice GP instead! :cheer:

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