

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hey ladies
some of you may remember reading my posts a while back about the hassle im having trying to get a new house
here is the thread to refresh your memories: ... highlight=

well today we got a letter from the council saying that we have been refused a management move, the reason being is that we stopped reporting anti-social behaviour. :(
the only reason we stopped reporting it was because

1. the police told us there was nothing they could do about it
2. We started getting hassle from the neighbours for being 'grasses'
3. my husband was threated by a council employee saying he would 'punch him in the f-ing face' if he kept complaining to him
4. we were told (by the council leader) we had been granted a management move

So if we want our case to be reviewed again we have to start reporting the anti-social behaviour again, and a review can take months. By that time we will be overcrowded with the baby here.

Im so disappointed, upset and angry. i just feel so let down by the council, ive spent most of this morning crying and my hubby even came home from work for a while because he was really worried about me being so upset. we are totally at a loss now and have no idea what to do. we cant afford to buy or go private as its too expensive. :cry:

Sorry just had to rant and get that off my chest.
omg, thats terrible!!!!!
go to the council and let rip, if theyve promised u a move then they should bloody well give u one!!
have u got a letter which says this??
with bubs on the way u need to b in a better environment, u could also get ur midwife or doc to write a letter to the council explainin the stress on u?
I cannot believe that. Just because you stopped reporting doesn't mean that it isn't happening. It makes me mad :evil:

Sorry I haven't been any help have I. Can you do anything - like contact MP/local paper etc. Maybe worth a try.

Hope it all works itself out for you very soon. :hug:
mummykay said:
have u got a letter which says this??

nope thays the problem, it was only confirmed by phone call to us in a meeting we had with the council leader, i guess we were silly to have taken it as solid word with no proof in writing.
we told the concil leader weeks ago that we had stopped reporting the anti-social behaviour and the reasons why, and not once did she tell us that it was important to keep on reporting it or our case would not be on-going. :(

freya- we are going to try totalk to the council leader again see what she says about it, if she does nothing we are going to go to the papers when she begins her election campaign.
hi little red.. i'm really sorry to hear about your situation.

me and hubby moved into a flat about a month ago.. and it does sound like you place as well, rubbish every where it smell, kids smoking weed, just like yours funny noise at night.. all of that anyway... where waiting to get moved to, it's meet to be an emergency accommodation, but i went to see some last weeks and they just said, i would have to bid for an house just a one bed room flat, until she comes then i bid for a two bedroom place, so i haven't got a clue when that will take :?

but where do you live because i live in London, so are council is just different, but that sound so stupid that you would have to complain to get moved :x is there no other way??
sorry haven't been anyhelp
hun i'm feeling for you.. your like me just want to get settled :hug: :hug:
Go to your GP if you've got an understanding one, they'll be able to provide evidence that your situation is making you unwell mentally and is draining you physically...its all based on a points system so that will help bump you up the list a bit. Speak to the council again and get everything in writing. if things dont progress at all your local newspaper might be able to back you...local councils are usually pretty scared of the local rag!

Good luck tho!
Neeko - i live in scotland so it might be slightly different, but council are just being arses because they have no houses left since they sold them all or hand them out willy nilly to all the junkies and alkys who pay no rent or council tax :x

Sparky - Ive tried going to the doctors to get points with the stress but its not classed as a 'medical points' by or council so we still have 0 points and wont get any more until baby arrives and we are overcrowded, but we still only get about 40 for that!

Phoned up the letting office today and they said we were somewhere between 350 - 700 on thelist for a new house at a rate of 1-2 houses turnover per year, so basically i'll get a house in 350 years time! :rotfl:
wow it is different over there... hun i don't really have a clue what you should do... but it';s a shame that your doctor or midwife can't write a note saying your having a break down is stressed with the housing etc: and needs to be moved in fear of your health and the babies.. :think:

so your options are your going to have to wait till you give birth?? and then after that you might not even get moved..

WHAT this is bull :hug:
our options are:

1. wait until the baby comes, we will get more points for overcrowding as we are in a tiny one bedroom flat,but we have been told that we could be expected to live in a one bedrrom flat with a baby up until its a year old. :shock:

2. Start reporting the anti-social behaviour again and get our case re-opened and reviewed, but that will probably take a good few months til a year for that! our old case started last august and that was us just being told now that we were not getting moved (7 months!).

Either way we are fooked :( .
little*red said:
our options are:

1. wait until the baby comes, we will get more points for overcrowding as we are in a tiny one bedroom flat,but we have been told that we could be expected to live in a one bedrrom flat with a baby up until its a year old. :shock:

2. Start reporting the anti-social behaviour again and get our case re-opened and reviewed, but that will probably take a good few months til a year for that! our old case started last august and that was us just being told now that we were not getting moved (7 months!).

Either way we are fooked :( .

ah man... that is fooked.. your going to have to both. and be very persisted about it..they don't give you much options....

how come that woman and her daughter got moved?? do you know??
dont have a clue why they got moved, probably told the council a pack of lies and madeup some story about being overcrowded or something to get moved :x .!
little*red said:
dont have a clue why they got moved, probably told the council a pack of lies and madeup some story about being overcrowded or something to get moved :x .!

you know what,if it worked for them then you should do it.. just make up a load of rubbish that you can back up....

that's what i did :oops: i just said my mum kicked me out and i've got no where to live and i'm single and pregnant and they put me in the place i'm in now.... but at the time my hubby was homeless and we want to live as a family..

but that's the only was and if it works then so be it, other wise they will just leave you they and just forget... :twisted:
can you not get housing benefit? where you find a landlord that takes housin benefit and the council approves it thats the way i've done it and i've got a two bed flat...i was told i would be waitin years on the council for a council house :roll: :roll:
nic & keeley said:
can you not get housing benefit? where you find a landlord that takes housin benefit and the council approves it thats the way i've done it and i've got a two bed flat...i was told i would be waitin years on the council for a council house :roll: :roll:

that's a good idea.... how did you go about finding a house that was private and did it take long to do??

how did you go about doing it??
Do they have a housing association in Dundee? In Aberdeen we have the Grampian Housing Association and you get houses/flats by a point system.

My friend was having the same problems as you and she got a little 2bedrrom house 2wks before her due date as they awarded so many points because she was expecting.

Worth looking into.... plus if you get one, after a few years they give you an option to part buy the house.
awwww so sorry to hear that you're not getting your move :hug:
Aww Raynor....thats awful!!! I would look into the option Nic has suggested....there are landlords that will accept housing benefit, so if you're claiming that it could work? The council would assess the house and give you a Pre Tenancy Determination saying how much they would pay towards it.......thats if its the same in Scotland. You'll most likely find HB friendly landlords in the back of your local paper.

Hope something comes together for you babe :hug: :hug:
hun the way i done it is the best way i think as you can be quite picky on where you wanna live... and mine place is comin with all white goods which i think is great :lol: ...
i don't get housing benefit :( , i dont know if im entitled to it not entitled to any other benefits because my hubby works over 24 hours so i didnt think id get it.

SarahH we have about 5 housing associations in dundee but they all have huge waiting lists and when we applyed for them after i found out i was pregnant, i got told to come back when the baby was born, but our council application nominates you for them anyway, but this little or no points you get nowhere.

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