

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Had my consultant appointment this morning. They did a scan and baby is measuring big and there is excess fluid :cry: They said there was glucose in my urine - which there was 2 weeks ago in hospital but not at the MW on Thursday, and tbh I'm not surprised as I had a bowl of really sugary cereal, a cup of tea with loads of sugar and some jelly beans before my appt lol - but I have to have GTT next Wednesday.

They are estimating that baby is weighing in at 6.8lbs already :shock: I am absolutely gutted and shitting it because it looks like my chance for vbac is gonna be taken out of my hands, although atm I'm so run down don't know if I have the energy to labour, but am still gutted.

They said though, that baby's measurments are ok, it's just her stomach that's big? I don't get that, she looked normal on her scan.

They also said that another reason for extra fluid could mean that there is a problem with baby's swallowing... but I don't know if this was a concern or just something he was saying that COULD sometimes be the cause, but not in in this instance? I thought that they could see baby's swallowing on scans?

I have to go back at 37 weeks for another scan and to discuss what will happen re: delivery. But the receptionist had no scan appts so I have to wait for someone to write to me with one, and then I might have to have scan one day and consultant follow up a few days later. How shit is that? And the hospital is 10 miles away and the car park cost a fortune.

Just so fed up of it all now, just want LO to get here safe n sound n for this to be over asap.

Aw hun i hope everything goes ok for you which im sure it will, my LO was apparently weighing 6.7lbs at 34 week and im frightened about labour incase theres complications, if her stomachs big surely theres nothing wrong with her swallowing right ? And remember there estimates are never accurate - im sure you told me this :)

xxxxx sending you big hugs xxxxx
Thanks Kirsty. I know they are more guestimations, but that just seemed such a big weight that even if they were a lb out she's still a big baby at this stage.

I think I'm just gutted that now, right at the very last part of this pregnancy, I now have the worries about the baby. I have been pretty unwell throughout but baby has been fine, but just seems a shame that in the last few weeks it's gonna be a bit stressful worrying about her.

Argh pregnancy is a nightmare lol

Hope the next 3 weeks go quick so I know what the outcome is gonna be!!!

Aw. Big hugs, sweetheart. It sounds really scary and uncertain for you, and you've had such a tough time already. I don't really know what to say - just hope that everything turns out OK. If you don't get your VBAC, don't blame yourself. As long as LO gets out safe and sound, it will be fine. Hope you get your scan date through soon. xxx
Don't worry lovely, its more than likely to be down to the sugary stuff you've had....

Same thing happened to me x I had excess fluid had GTT, but drank orange juice the morning of and ruined it....they wouldn't do me another one! Xxx I didn't have diabetes but had excess fluid anyway xx was told I was gonna have a huge baby, she was 8lbs xxx

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What was the amount of fluid? In your notes there should be a figure on the sheet they do the scan on xxx

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Thanks Kirsty. I know they are more guestimations, but that just seemed such a big weight that even if they were a lb out she's still a big baby at this stage.

I think I'm just gutted that now, right at the very last part of this pregnancy, I now have the worries about the baby. I have been pretty unwell throughout but baby has been fine, but just seems a shame that in the last few weeks it's gonna be a bit stressful worrying about her.

Argh pregnancy is a nightmare lol

Hope the next 3 weeks go quick so I know what the outcome is gonna be!!!


Anytime hun, i didnt realise how much worry came with pregnancies !! My friends seem to sail through theres without any issues or stress or extra growth scans but at least were being monitored, saying that my friends waters went on saturday night so she had to stay in as shes only 36 weeks and they have just told her babys a little on the small side ? they will be inducing her thursday. Try not to worry too much, I know thats easier said than done ! xxxxx
They say my baby's tummy is measuring huge, at my 36 weeks growth scan it was measuring 3 weeks ahead at 39 weeks and everything else was normal. They reckon baby just likes its food too much and to expect a chubby baby! Don't worry everything will be ok, time will fly and you will have your LO sooner then you know. xxx
Im sure baby will be fine hun, sorry your having a rubbish end to your pregnancy though! xx

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Sorry your so worried hun. Pregnancy certainly is full of its ups and downs isn't it!!! I'm sure everything will work out ok. Your in good hands. Hugs x
I don;t know what to say to reassure you honey so I will just send MASSIVE :hugs: your way xxx
Don't worry lovely, its more than likely to be down to the sugary stuff you've had....

Same thing happened to me x I had excess fluid had GTT, but drank orange juice the morning of and ruined it....they wouldn't do me another one! Xxx I didn't have diabetes but had excess fluid anyway xx was told I was gonna have a huge baby, she was 8lbs xxx

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What was the amount of fluid? In your notes there should be a figure on the sheet they do the scan on xxx

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I was polyhydramnios with my son also, but it was seriously excessive with him. I was measuring 36 weeks at 28 and by the time my waters went at 38+5 I was measuring 55 weeks... nightmare! I had GTT done during that pregnancy and it was negative, it was just how I carried him. They said he would be big also, but he was 8lb 10oz, they say 'good weight' but he was teeny!

I had a look at my scan results, I guess that AFI - 273mm is the fluid? I have no idea what that qty falls within, but they have classed me as polyhydramnios again... only thing is they say I have 'lots of fluid' and a 'big baby' BUT I'm only measuring 3cm ahead atm... but they seemed all concerned. Now I've calmed down a bit it doesn't seem so bad?? But what do I know lol

They say my baby's tummy is measuring huge, at my 36 weeks growth scan it was measuring 3 weeks ahead at 39 weeks and everything else was normal. They reckon baby just likes its food too much and to expect a chubby baby! Don't worry everything will be ok, time will fly and you will have your LO sooner then you know. xxx

That has made me feel loads better, at the time I didn't think to ask about it, the appointment was pretty rushed as they were running hours behind, was a nightmare morning tbh. But good to know that they say it means good appetite, so hopefully that also means her swallowing is ok also.

I just want my baby here safe and sound and as soon as possible. Really am hoping that she just evacuates dead on 37 weeks lol

Thanks for all your replies, love you girls, helped to calm me down and put things in perspective.


Sorry about ur worry hun, sending big hugs xxx
Hun,I hadvery similar when I was PG - they found a bit of glucose and I was measuring ahead. I had GTT and it was fine as well. Baby measured decent but not overly large although his tummy was on the highest centile and I had lots of fluid. By the next scan all was normal except his tummy stayed big.
Guess what, he is a big lad now with a big tum still.

Hope it all goes back to normal for you and you can get VBAC.
I am having the opposite hun I have gest diabetes and my baby is measuring small its madness :S I am worried about my son already I still have no section date either. I hope they give you more information I found if I asked more they were more keen on telling me. I was sick of being left in the dark. It worried me alittle more as I knew why and what was happening but a relief that it wasn't totally unknown x
I was told at 32 weeks ,when I had only had a scan to check where placenta was, that my baby was measuring too big round the waist and I too was offered GTT testing . Which I refused as everything thing else was perfect , and the measurements they rely on are average measurements as it was my 5th child and I had never been scanned at 32 weeks before in my option they had nothing to compare to. My daughter was born exactly 8 weeks later perfect and 8lbs in weight totally normal for me.
It is your choice to have these tests or not , I think it's very sad that this is now upsetting you and causing you so much worry, when you should be able to enjoy these last few weeks of your pregnancy.All the best xx
I had excess fluid and a big baby (9lbs 5ozs at birth). My consultant also said to me that the excess fluid could have been down to a problem with LO's swallowing. I also had a gtt, but it was fine.
My consultant did tell me to rest and signed me off work for 4 weeks. I found that when I rested the fluid levels came down.
There is nothin wrong with my LO's swallowing now he's here.
I had a scan at 36 week and baby's stomach was off the scale he estimates 9lb 8oz ! They did gtt test again and it was positive I was induced at 38 weeks.
Thanks for all your replies. Defo feel alot better about it all today. I have woken up with my SEVENTH cold of this pregnancy! Last cold 3 weeks ago led to pneumonia so am a bit worried, I don't get a chance to rest properly as I have a toddler to look after, and he is full of beans bless him. But hopefully this cold will just be another cold.

What a nightmare. I never imagined this pregnancy could be harder than my first lol

Thanks girls, you are all amazing and I thank you for your support :hug:

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