

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Well after saying how much I hate dummies and how Seb won't have one I finally gave in today and caved to the realisation that my little boy needs one. He will suck his hands and will use the bottle to go to sleep on regularly and has recently been really unsettled at night, sucking at my arm and shoulder to comfort himself. I'm gutted but if it means Seb's happy then I'm happy too. Dummy here we come!
I was sorry to give one to Cahal too, but it has honestly helped him - he was hand sucking and taking in air at the same time, giving himself tummy ache. It does genuinely seem to soothe him, so as much as I didn't want him to have one, I'm much happier seeing him settled :)
Yeah Seb sucks in air too, then cries with stomach ache, then gulps in more air which equals more crying etc etc etc!

I'm so happy to hear that it's been successful with helping cahal! I don't mind if it helps!
Oscar won't have a dummy. I didn't want him too really but he needs something to comfort himself. I'm hoping he finds his thumb soon. he loves to chew on my knuckles lol x
I have a 'hickey' on my arm where Seb sucked yesterday! DD didn't need soothing and never had a dummy so I've finally found something that's completely different for Seb as so far he's been the exact same as she was as a baby!
I didn't want Drake using the dummy either and was gutted when I used it for the first time! He don't use it that much though, only as a last resort if nothing else works. Then he has a few sucks and spits it out and we don't repeatedly put it in either. We also don't use it at night time. Luckily he's good in the nights!
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Well he was very upset earlier, proper crying, sucking hand and refusing bottle after a couple of sucks so I offered him the dummy and it worked a treat. If he spits it out we wouldn't put it back in repeatedly x
well done Helen, if he needs it, he needs it, and will help you both.

I don't like Dummys and none of mine ever really used them, even tho we did try them all with them at some point when we needed something. Use it will he needs it, I think it's not a problem till they get to age 2 and are still using it or in the day!
My oldest had a dormel! We only used it to put gripe water in..gosh seems so long ago!

My 2nd son had a dummy but it was for more going to sleep purposes. As soon as he nodded off we took it out. Gradually we started leaving it upstairs when he got up in the morning. By the age of one then he weaned himself off completely.

We'll try and do the same with Drake but I think it will be easier weaning it off them if it's not overused. It bothers me when I see babies with dummys permantly attached to their mouths. I've seen mothers stick a dummy in their babys mouth when baby is not even crying!
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Charley hardly ever has his dummy as he spits it out after a couple of sucks! My hv said their good for reducing sid's though! Lacey had one until she was 10months then I got rid of it! Sorry if this offends anyone but I hate seeing children who can walk with a dummy in their mouth!
I hate dummies too! Yodabo-that's what we're using it for, going to sleep, as he was using the bottle to sleep on!
i offered tegan one the other day as she spent the whole day comfort sucking on me she wont take it though and just screams when i put it in hee mouth! x
Aw poor tegan x I have to admit I quite like the comfort sucking he does on me x he's just gone off with dummy as he finished his bottle and then comfort suckled the next! I shouldn't have given him the other bottle as I knew he wasn't hungry! Stupid me!

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