gutted :-(


Active Member
Dec 30, 2008
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my fella came home from work early today and informed me that he has been made redundant (cnt spell), i just dnt no wat we r going to do!! his wage pays the morgage. so worried we are going to lose our house :x although i have a good job, it will only cover half of our bills.

what am i going to do :x
my husband as the same hun 2 days before christmas and his is the only income, go to the citizen advice beurea and see what the can do to help :hug:
cheers hun, i'll ring them in the morn and make an appointment
he'll have some rundancy pay for a bit wont he? Will he be able to get another job easily? what does he do?

can you take a break from your mortgage for a month or two if you need to? we've overpaid ours a bit so we can if anything like that happens.
he'll only get about £900, my morgage is ova £600 a month, only had the house for 2 years so not sure if they will let us have a break for a month or so. he's already been looking for another job but everywhere he's tryed no one is taking on :( my dad has even offered to move in and pay us rent to help out, so for the time being thats what we'll have to rely on and feel bad putting on my dad like that but i have to keep a roof ova my kids head

We're in exactly the same boat. However ours has been going on 3 months and in the process of losing the house.
But my dad sent me an email today of some of the new schemes if you want me to forward it on to you. Not sure if it'll be much help but it starts in April and they help people pay mortgages if they lose their job.
It's too late for us but it may give you a bit of help.
if you've been overpaying a bit you'll manage to take a break. we've had our house 2 years but can take a break because we overpaid a bit when we moved in and have tried to keep the same payments even though the mortgage has gone down because of the interest rates.

cab will tell you about your options - could you change your mortgage to a lower one or something if you can't take a break? or get a 0% loan if it looks like you'll lose your house otherwise?
speak to your mortgage lender immediately... I did when I was made redundant and although I couldnt take a break as I had one on mat leave, they did come to an agreement where I only had to pay half the mortgage that month and I am now overpaying to catch up.

there are new rules in place now which means they cant just repossess you and most mortgage companies are quite understanding....

good luck :hug:
yeah my oh has also been made redundant, his last day of work officially was new years eve.... its horrible hun :hug: :hug:
Don't know much else to say other than good luck really. I'm in a similar situation, but luckily mine isn't a mortgage, its rented but its still scary :cry:
im sorry hun :hug: I know how you OH is going to be out of a job in 2 weeks and his redundancy pay ios going to be 4 grand, which isnt really going to keep us going for very long with everything we have to pay :( Its a very worrying time :hug: xxxxxxxx
Serendipity_ said:
Don't know much else to say other than good luck really. I'm in a similar situation, but luckily mine isn't a mortgage, its rented but its still scary :cry:

ditto :doh:
Aww I'm sorry, I can only echo what the others have said. My OH has been made redundant as of the end of January too, and doesn't get any redundancy pay as he hasn't been employed with them long enough.

Surely the CAB, and/or job centre could offer advice?

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