Gutted :( and bye for now


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi girls, as you've probably guess I don't have any great news.

Went for my tracking scan this morning thinking it would take 5 mins and be simple, only to see on the screen that the polyp I had an operation (actually 2 operations) to remove last month is still there!

Apparantley they don't feel the need to check if it has gone during the procedure. I'm just adding it to the giant list of mistakes and stupid things the nhs has done to us in the last 18 months.

So we are right back at square one, not allowed to bd incase of pregnancy and then another miscarriage (which in the words of the doctor we will 'blame' on the polyp if it happens again, er yeah, probably!). Irnonically we are having it removed by the big boss - I insisted - who said a few weeks ago he wasn't sure if it needed removing! Well does it or not?! they won't give us a straight answer but I can't another m/c.

The clomid is showing 1 follicle developing on each ovary (im on day 12) so they want me to come in again on Fri for another scan and all my pre-op stuff for the next operation. I'm glad its working but annoyed that when I ovulate we can't even try to get pregnant. A wasted cycle so we only have 5 left now :(.

I'm gutted about having the op again, it was horrible last time and I didn't feel good afterwards. I'm self employed so its going to cost me and its booked in before a very important weekend but that was the soonest one. I'm so angry at the NHS, I don't care if they've done good things for some people, they get paid too much money to make mistakes like this. Me and hubby are fully ready to give up, we've gone round in so many circles. I cried my eyes out in the hospital and haven't stopped crying since. I'm hiding in the house - no pregnant friends and their smarmy husbands, no family asking questions and no staring people.

Think we're going to have to tell our family. I can't imagine telling them face to face without crying so might have to write a letter.

Does anyone have experience with medical negligence cases? I think we have one....not cos I want money, but cos I don't want anyone to ever have to go through what we've been through. I'm going to list out the mistakes.

Gonna take a break from here, can't see everyone else get pregnant and leave me behind, I genuinely believe it will never happen for us now, they'll just keep getting it wrong. I'll come back soon and will look out how you are all doing. xxxxxxx
Go get a second opinion Sarah, quickly.

Even if you just speak to another doctor on the telephone.

There is a lot of information on the internet that says that polyps may prevent pregnancy occurring but not cause miscarriage.

This depends on the size ofcourse, but unless it's 2cm then most doctors ignore them and many women carry full term with them.

Also, even if a polyp is 100% removed they can return in the same place so you might just get another one again anyway - you might always have a polyp.

I know it's alright for me to say this after never having a miscarriage but sometimes the end justifies the means and you know you have two follicles and i think that you need to try and rationalise the miscarriage risk as just being a normal part of any pregnancy with you and go for it anyway because risking it might be the only way you are ever going to get to full term.

I'd still ttc, don't count it as a pregnancy until you get to 12 weeks and then start worrying about getting the polyp removed.

Just don't give up :hug:

I hope you feel better soon xx
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:( im so sorry honey, try not to stress to much. At least its been spotted, just put your foot down and make sure you get soecial treatment :hug:

Louise I have just rung up the ACU again to speak to the head doctor, of course he wasn't there... the nurse said she'd ask him my questions tomorrow and report back at my appt on friday.
They keep saying 'its really up to you what you do' that doesn't help - we don't know what to do! So I had a moan to her and told her we need help with these decisions based on the the facts they have.

She said the size looks to be about 8mm - which is much much smaller than they have been describing it.

So just have to wait till Fri morning next tracking scan where hopefully they will have feedback from the doc.

Thanks so much for advice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
There is a blog writen by a fertility doctor and he says:

"In general, polyps less than 5 mm are really small and rarely removed. Polyps 5-10 mm are a little more of a concern, but your doctor may see one of these and not worry. Larger than 1 cm is more significant and more doctors would recommend removal"

So at 8mm, i'd definitely be tempted to risk it and make the most of the clomid if it was me but like i understand it's different for everyone. You have to do what is best for you xx
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OMG Sarah I'm so sorry, I don't understand why/how this hasn't been sorted, have you actually seen your uterus on the screen when you had your hysteroscopy, I saw mine I don't understand how they could not have seen it as they use the hysteroscope during the surgery??

Also Hun, my ultrasound was clear and my septum was pretty noticeable on the hysteroscope screen, I can't understand how they are able to see something on your ultrasound that they couldn't see during the op??

Big hug to you Hun. :hugs:

Im sorry Sarah! Not good care at all!!
Oh Sarah, Im so sorry the NHS has failed you! this is awful!
But do not give up! you cant! Ive suffered 4 ectopics and of course i am always at risk of having another but giving up isn't an option! you have to do what is best for you but i would say keep at it.

good luck hun


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