Guess Your Baby's Birth Day


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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Just for a bit of fun...

Well Bump is due 10th June but I just know I'm going to be late so I'm going with... Friday 20th June... 4:15p.m :moon:

Anyone else want to guess theirs?
At first i was sure i would be early as everyone in my family pops early but as my baby seems to be growing slower than my dates im going with being late so.

Due 23rd April
Think i will pop 29th April and hopefuly not at rush hour as my hospital is a pig to get to in rush hour so 2.15am
I'm due 20th April, but gonna guess 10th April 4am as James was 2 weeks early.
Hmmm :think: I am guessing I'll be late. 10th June at 03.15 :D
As I've just posted on Bloom's "guess the weight" thread, I dreamt at 5 weeks really vividly that I was giving birth (with just gas and air :shock: ) on the 13th April and I kept banging on at my OH that it was SO OBVIOUS it was gonna be the 13th and we should have guessed because 1s and 3s follow me around. Then they placed this bloody lump on me and I said "Hello Connie!"... I told him the next day and her name was decided :cheer:

So 13th April for me, I'll go with 3.13pm :rotfl:
think this will be early, even though first. Due 20th July, pop on 10th at 9:30 am.

Babys due 14th April.

Its my OH's birthday on the 12th so I would love him to come then but, It would also have been my Nanna's on the 15th so that would be nice too.

(Or my dad's on the 5th or mine 27th Lol)

I have had a really vivid dream though that a Midwife told me to make sure my mum didn't go far on the 30th March because he will be coming then! And she has to make sure she can hear her mobile.

So i'll guess 30th March
I've always thoguht my baby will be a big boy and come out on 27th June
the scan made me due 30th June and midwives always put me as due 2nd July, we'll soon see at scan if i was right about it beign a boy! Would be very odd if we could actually predict their birthdays
Clare x
i have no idea

my baby is due on may 28, would be nice if he/she came may 27 as thats my mums 50th birthday

is it true most 1st babies go over?
babys due date is 25th april but i recon he will be here alot earlier then that about the 12th im going to say
manda xx
I am due on the 17th April but I predict I will be late, grr!
I am going for 25th April 2.30am.
Apparently so, BeckyJ.

Most first-time mums predict they will be early and most first babies come late :rotfl:

I am SO gonna dig this thread out when we're all popping...
Well my first was 19 days early and my second was 8 days late!!!

I really want him to come in April as there are loads of birthdays in May, and I want him to come on a Monday or Tuesday when my midwife works, therefore i'm thinking -

Due thursday 24th April, gonna say 22nd (I'm going for reflexology a few days before) and 6am.
I have no idea :lol:

My sis thinks I will be early

I think 14th May - due the 4th May
Well im not sure but my boy is growing very well and is a right mover so i recon even though he's my first i could go earlier than my due date (24th May) mabye the 20th of May
Im in a race with babybee at her due date is the same as mine and we both saw our babies kick for the first time yesterday.

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