there is nothing to worry about i go every week
you will just go in for a chat and they will go through with you your result
if they are only alittle bit high they will discuss your diet with you and tell you to change it .
If you sugars are too high for diet then they will prescribe insulin for you .
I am a type 2 diabetic and before coming pregnant i was on tablets to control my sugar level but because the tablets arnt safe whilst pregnant they put me straight on insulin.
Depending on how your sugars are through out the pregnancy they will higher your intake off insulin if your sugars are still high.
my doses of insulin are upped either once a week or maybe more depending how my reading have been.
You will be provided with a blood glucose meter to moniter your sugar levels of which you will have to record in a book and at each visit to antenatal they will look at your book and decide weather to up your insulin
or if diet controlled discuss your foods and weather or not to prescribe you with insulin.
Not only do i have to go every week but i also have to phone up due to my sugar levels been so bad .
Dont forget gestational diabetes can go away after pregnancy .
Any other questions just give me a shout ill be happy to help