GTT today and bum bug yesterday lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Hello All

Well the bad news in the world of fuffins is my GP says I have a bowel infection lol

Time for TMI: feel a pressure to poo five times a day....and if that was not bad enough, bum snot too :oops: :puke:

Doc says antibiotics last week killed off good bacteria in my bowel...Because I had the antibiotics last week and the antibiotic cream...he and I obviously did not want anymore and thr gp preferred I try doing it naturally. So, plenty of water and pro biotic yoghurts for now lol

Good news...My GTT was today and I do not have gestational diabetes....So, my baby is simply big because I am 6ft2.5 and so is OH....Figures really. I did try to tell them....but understand that they need to check.

So, thats fuffins new regular update lol
I hope the infections better soon, that sounds nasty :hug: :hug: :hug:

At least its good news about the GTT! :dance:
Great news about your GTT!!! :cheer:
sorry you're not very well in the bum department though :( :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well at least today it was only 5 times....Sunday and Monday was more like 10!!

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so gross and annoying! :oops:

I am very happy about GTT though :cheer: Was really worried about it.
:dance: :dance: lgad your GTT is clear hun!!
Hope your bum gets better soon :moon:
Good news about the GTT, I've got mine on Friday and have just eaten a big bag of Haribo starmix so don't think that'll help.

Sorry about your bowels :( :wink:

Alex xxx
ASD123456 said:
Good news about the GTT, I've got mine on Friday and have just eaten a big bag of Haribo starmix so don't think that'll help.

Sorry about your bowels :( :wink:

Alex xxx

Good luck with Friday :hug:

As long as you havent got diabetes, having the haribo is fine lol

I am sure all is well :)
Oh no not another blooming infection, typical that the antibiotics for the last infection has caused this one :hug: :hug:

Good news about the GTT though.

Hope you get better soon :hug:

I got rid of a bum infection the natura way, proboitics worked, along with something i got from a was an echinecia based thing but you would have to seek advice from a doc before taking anything, I do remember it clearing up in 3 days and the stuff I used was pretty natural.

hope it clears up soonx
Thank you Ginny. I am glad that there is someone else who has had one!! Half thought my GP was fobbing me off to get me outthe room lol

I will look into the stuff you used :)
Hiya Fuffins,

Really sorry to hear about the bum infection - sounds pretty awful, and on top of everything else too. The pro-biotics should work. I've been taking them for ages now because of reoccurrant thrush and they do seem to help - expensive though!

I must say, I really envy your height - I've always wanted to be tall but am a short-ass at 5ft3!!!

All the best
I used to hate being so tall. It made me stand out so much. Especially at school and college. Now I am a woman, I have learnt to love it most the time. It means I can sometimes stand out in a positive way lol.

There are times I wish I could blend in with the crowd though lol. I am a once met, never forgotten type person :D
Hi Fuffins! :wave:

Good news on your GTT! :cheer:

Sorry to hear about the other problem! :hug:

Charlie xx
Great news about the GTT :cheer: but sorry about the bowel infection that sounds utter rubbish :hug:

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