GTT results


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
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Had my bloods tests yesterday and had a call this morning to let me know that my sugar levels were high (10.1). Have an appointment on Thursday at the hospital to discuss it, but was just wondering how everyone else who has had the results back high are getting on or got on during their pregnancy.

Sorry I have no idea on this topic Hun, but just wanted to say sorry that your having this prob, and think there are lots of girls on here in the same boat who will be able to offer advice and support for you X
Hey Mstat I had GGT last tues and cas told on Wed I have gest diabetes. I had to go see the consultant and diabetic nurse for the blood testing kit and details on when to test etc. i have to test twice a day and just eat a healthy ballanced diet and as little sugary foods as poss!

With me already do the healthy eating and still loosing weight he assured me this was purely brought on by being pregnant so its been really easy sticking to waht I was doing already and I have kept my bloods below what they reccommended so dont worry its nothing too bad and the testing needle doesnt hurt at all incase you affraid of needles xxx
Hi Wilma

Thanks for that - I'm not really bothered about the needles and testing but think I might struggle a bit with the diet, I'm rubbish at sticking to anything, and even though I don't eat a lot of sweet stuff if I have to cut out chocolates completely then it will be tough!!

Do you have to have extra appointments because of the diabetes or are they happy for you to monitor it yourself?

Thanks again, I'm sure after my appointment on thursday it will clearer what i'll need to do.
Hey Mable..... You dont have to cut it out completely just have a lot less lol!
Im sure you will be fine with the healthy eating too once you get to grips with it all!

Well I had some not so good news today! I have to see the Diabetic consultant the baby consultant and the diabetic nurse every wed starting today with being Ddiagnosed last ive been doing my bloods and theyve been ok till yest morning, last night and this morning...slightly higher than they should when I went this morning and they tested my bloods are slowing increasing on their own and consultant explained that this is because the hormones we need to sustain the pregnancy fight against the production and distribution of my own naturally produced insulin and mine arnt doing their job! Explained that its nothing Im doing wrong just some people are prone to it and others arnt and the fact that my dad and brother are insulin dependant diabetics hasnt helped as its in the family history so.....hes put me on diabetic medication taking one a day for a week till he sees me next wed, then go onto to 2 a day from next wed and the biggy is that when I hit 6months preg I have to be topped up with insulin injections!

So not happy about that but it has to be done to ensure the baby doesnt grow too big!

Hes said it wont harm or affect the baby at all so im happy about that but I have to admit the thought of injecting myself isnt appealing!

So without trying to scare you....thats the story with me and my Gest diabetes and its early for me to be getting it so look after yourself
Sorry to hear that youre having a tough time with the diabetes. I really hope that the medication can keep it under control for the time for you.

Had my first appointment at the clinic today and was there for most of the afternoon seing various consultants and dieticians, but an hour after lunch my blood glucose levels were 4.9 so classed as normal. I have to go back next week to see how things are going and then have an extra scan at 28, 32 and 36 weeks to see how the babys growing.

Its quite ironic as I was getting a 32 week scan anyhow as baby was small at the 20 week scan so they were monitoring growth - just now they'll be monitoring how fat he's getting.

It was discussed at the clinic that I might be induced at 38 weeks which happens to fall on christmas eve - so would really like to be able to keep this under control and baby not to grow too much so that I can have Christmas at home. Will have to just wait and see how it goes.

Hope you get on ok Wilma with the medication. Take care. xxxx

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