GTT - results are in : )

i got told all i could drink was water

the stuff they give u is proper rank...i had a really bad funny turn when i was at the docs doing it i went all faint hot dizzy sweaty sick...was sooo embarrassing in the middle of the waiting room!!! apparently it can happen due to the amount of sugar thats being put in your body...its a bit like a diabetic hyper

The twins loved it though they were gonig nuts for ages afters!!!!!
OMG Tatty!!!! LOL - I go like that anyway :lol: Thats made me feel loads better - NOT :wink:

I just rang them and they said I can have water. Im not thinking about it anymore now :|

I'll be ok, I'll be ok, I'll be ok....repeat x100,00,00,000 :rotfl:
if it makes you feel any better tilly, the staff that were doing this were obviously doing so many that they were exceptionally good at finding vein and getting it over and done with as quickly as possible. A bonus considering the difficulty I sometimes have!

you'll be fine chick x
I had to have 2...

one at 28 weeks and another on Monday 33+6...

they both came back clear in the end, had to have the second as loads of glucose in my urine and finger prick test...

its not nice but its doable, so please dont worry, its really not that bad :hug: :hug:
Tillytots said:
OMG Tatty!!!! LOL - I go like that anyway :lol: Thats made me feel loads better - NOT :wink:

I just rang them and they said I can have water. Im not thinking about it anymore now :|

I'll be ok, I'll be ok, I'll be ok....repeat x100,00,00,000 :rotfl:

It does depend though as when i had it with Oliver i was fine so i was expecting this time to be fine...brought a really good book with me and i got through 1page!!!! Will save it for when im in hospital me thinks!!!!
You'll be fine hun. Just look away and find your happy place :D Good luck really - must be horrid with a needle phobia :hug:
well girls ive had my finger prick and the first of blood tests it was horrible, i nearly passed out infront of a room full of people! The drink was actually lovely-tastes like peach syrup. I just have to wait 2hours now but its in the birthing centre which isnt like a hospital, im watching jeremy kyle laying on a settee lol!! Someone have something to eat for me though im starving! X x
I hate blood tests - they can never find a vein and they never listen to me about having to get it ouut of my foot. Last time I went for blood tests I told them to do it straight from my foot but they declined so i had 2 holes in both arms (failed attempts at getting blood out!) and one in my foot - which was sucessful! I wish sometime people would listern! I looked like a right junkie due to all the bruises I had!
i wasnt even allowed water ! only a few sips fter the first blood test and drinking the lucazade ! and i had it at 16 weeks , i was still in full blown morning sickness !
No it was ok, alot better than I though it would be.....apart from nearly passing out :lol: Reason being was the woman scraped the needle about in my arm and then said she had a duff bottle which took her a while to stick another one on - Im needle phobic and it made me feel :puke: plus I was starving! I need my brekky!!

Second lot still hurt and she had another duff bottle but I thought at this point I've done it once already so there is no need to be scared and I was fine! I had my BP taken straight after and it was the lowest its been in months LOL so I must've felt chilled out!

Mine was one blood test and no finger prick and i didnt drink anything nasty? I was allowed to drink water from 10pm the night before but nothing to eat or drink other than water....

Glad you survived, best get tough honey you gotta give birth yet!!! :rotfl: Sorry hun only kidding..... :hug:
LOL - tell me about getting tough. Its not the pain though its just the thought of needles and someone draining my blood. Having my lady bits ripped and stretched doesnt scare me though or the thought doesnt bother me....Casearean (sp?) however does!

I got my results at 4pm today - totally normal. I think she said the readings were 4.2 and 4.4 and the cut off is 7 odd :cheer: :cheer: I said my body is used to dealing with sugar......all those sweets :lol:


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