Grunting and straining


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Hello ladies,

My little boy has always been a little bit noisy when he's having a poo, but recently he has been really grunting and straining, and it seems like he's doing it all day but its worse at night. Last night neither of us got much sleep because of it. Hes not crying, bit screws up his face and goes bright red. I thought it might be that he was constipated, but he poos a lot, pretty much every nappy is a poo nappy and it's soft not hard, so I can't see why he sounds like he's struggling so much.

Could it just be wind? I have tried rubbing his belly and he dozes off for about 10 mins but always wakes up straining.

Any advice would be appreciated as I'm not sure what to do to help him x
It's normal for babies to grunt, strain and generally seem like they are struggling with the softest of poos. It's because they are not used to the sensation and using those muscles. My lo still looks like he's trying to pass a watermelon when in reality it's a tiny blob :)
Yeah I remember lots of grunting and straining especially at night in those early weeks, it does pass. If the poos are soft don't worry about it. If they start looking pebble like then I'd say ask the doctor for constipation advice xxx
Thank you for your replies. Is it normal for him to be straining so often though, seems to be all night? It seems to be disturbing his sleep which worries me.
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wow! this is the exactly like what Ralph was like last night! I thought he may be constipated? But poos are soft as usual. I know how you feel kirsty, He grunts so much at night keeps both me and OH up but eveytime I check him he seems to be asleep while he is doing it. x Never does it during the day though. x
Ive got an old vid of my lo making poo noises tempted to give you a laugh lol. Think it's natural. He was never in pain but just let everyone know he was going. Still does sometimes lol. X

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