Grunting and squirming all night long!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
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As the subject says! Tried exercising her legs in case of trapped wind but no joy, she kept me awake til 6am!! She also uses me as a dummy (won't take actual dummy) any advice???
Ahh possibly the reason for the grunting then. I don't have any suggestions beyond riding it out unfortunately, I'm not massively helpful. Hopefully one of the other ladies will have more practical solutions.

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Could she be cold? Since buying a sleeping bag our LO has been a dream x
My little girl sounds like there was a heard of farm yard animals in her Moses basket at times. She was asleep but my goodness the noise kept me up!! I spoke to the doctor about it at our 6 week check and she smiled and said that's why she put her daughter in her own room at 8 weeks LOL.
My little boy does this! Grunts and makes cute little squirms in his sleep with every breath. My last little boy did it too. I've always had noisy babies actually. I've no tips for helping or sorry, as I think they just grow out of it! As for dummy, my little boy likes me to stroke his cheek when I give him the dummy, sounds abit daft but I think he just likes something on his face as he was lying against my placenta. Can't believe your baby is 11 weeks already! Remember seeing your news in tri 3! :) flies doesn't it :) x x
My little one is nearly 9 weeks and he was the same. I asked the HV an she asked if he slept in the same bed at night as he does in the day which he doesn't he's got a moses basket down and crib up. So she suggested putting him upstairs for his sleeps which is quite hard as he's no routine yet. But wheb he showing he is tired I put him up in his crib. And ok it's not a solved it completely but he's alot more settled at night x
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Could she be cold? Since buying a sleeping bag our LO has been a dream x

Hadn't even considered this! Feel awful now! She had a vest and sleep suit on but will add her 1.5 tog sleeping bag and see if that makes a difference
My little boy does this! Grunts and makes cute little squirms in his sleep with every breath. My last little boy did it too. I've always had noisy babies actually. I've no tips for helping or sorry, as I think they just grow out of it! As for dummy, my little boy likes me to stroke his cheek when I give him the dummy, sounds abit daft but I think he just likes something on his face as he was lying against my placenta. Can't believe your baby is 11 weeks already! Remember seeing your news in tri 3! :) flies doesn't it :) x x

I know, fastest 11 weeks ever!! Slow down time!!
I'm afraid my little girl went in her room at 9 weeks because of this - it was getting ridiculous between her grunting and my husband's snoring. Shame we didn't have another spare room to put him in as well...

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