

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2006
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I gave a friend some of my baby equipment in April as she was due in June. She has known since November that I am expecting so I asked her today for my steriliser and moses basket back when she has finished with them - 'Oh I wish you'd asked me for them earlier - I've given them away to someone else!' :shock: She can only just have stopped sterilising stuff, but you would think she would have thought to ask me first before giving my stuff away - especially as she has known for 2 months that I am expecting again!!! :evil:
Oh my god, thats totally out of order :shock: I cant believe that! If someone lends you something you should always check before giving it to someone else, I would have thought that was obvious!! Especially as she knew you're pregnant and would be needing it! I would just say well can you get them back again please as they're mine and I'll be needing them soon. And then Id never lend her anything else!
What a nice friend! Seeing as you gave her the stuff she should have given it back to you, not to anyone else! :x
I've sent her a text asking her to get them back for me as I need them. Not holding my breath though :evil:

On the other hand, spoke to another friend whom I also gave a load of stuff to, and she has still got it all and is giving me her moses basket as well which will replace the one the other friend got rid of! :cheer:
How inconsiderate of her.. you gave them to her in the first place.. now you have to buy all new stuff.. and if you hadn't given it to her in the first place you would still have it all now and wouldn't need to expense of buying it all over again. I don't know her so I don't know what was going through her mind but I would be very upset.. and completely unable to keep my feelings inside.. :?

I'm glad you managed to sort something out though.. I had to buy all new stuff this time around because I had given mine away and no longer keep in touch with the friend who has it all. That was 3 years ago though... although when I'm done with my new stuff I wont have anyone to give it to.... my sister is pregnant and only 2 months behind me and my best friend is pregnant but 10 weeks ahead of me :lol: And none of my other friends want more children/have had the snip/have husbands that have had the snip! :doh:

I considered eBay for all my sterilising and bottle stuff but I was quite lucky becuase my family chipped in and bought me Mothercare vouchers to prepare for this one! :cheer:

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