GRRR @ Tescos


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Can u believe this....

We went to our local tescos to do some shopping tonight, hubby went to get one of the trolleys where u can put a baby seat on and someone took the last one just as he got there, so he came and told me and I went in and asked if they had anymore of these trolleys... just as I did another woman behind us also with a baby came and asked for a trolley.

We were told that they only have ONE of these trolleys for the whole store!! :shock: :shock: ONE bloody trolley what use is that when someone else is using it :? Anyway I'm gunna make a complaint as I find it pathetic and we went to Asda instead and did our shopping :lol:

Sorry just have to rant about that!
That is pants! :shakehead: Every store I've ever been too has had several of them. It's really annoying when you have to put the carseat inside a trolley cos they take up so much room, not nice for baby either being surrounded by shopping.
I'd write a letter/email complaining, they might send you some vouchers and if they have any sense order some more baby trolleys for the store!
awww defo complain, hope u get some vouchers!!!

our also took all those trolleys away, we have the ones with baby seats built in but there always minging and wet :evil:
When Isaac was a baby and in a car seat for shopping I complained to tescos because all the straps to secure our car seat onto the trolly were broken :roll: I hate them ones too that have the hard plastic car seat type thingy built in. How uncomfortable do they look :shock:

Now I shop almost exclusively online :)
Complain, but let me know if you get anywhere.
I made a complaint to tesco and never heard a thing back, they had a raised bit of concrete in the middle of the car park ( which shouldn't have been there ) and i fell on it and smashed myself into my car and the car next to me, luckily enough someone saw me and picked me up, at the time i was also 10 weeks pregnant.
Tesco haven't even sent me a sorry letter or anything. OH wanted me to see a solicitor just to make sure that they did something about it happening again.
Thats so silly
do they think none around you area has children
They have lost on custom from you and how many other mothers for not having to correct trollies :roll:
I defently complain and good luck with get some vouchers :wink:
thats rubbish, having said that, i cant recall seeing more than one at our tesco store :think: mind you i always sit ryan in the seat built into the trolley, the baby ones of course

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