Grrr SIL


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Just why does she have to be a bitch all the time? Surely she could just take one day out and be "normal". She's been nattering about having Paris over for the day so we agreed that she could go last Friday as it was an inset day - she decided that they would have a girly day go in town shopping etc (picking a birthday present for Paris as she didn't know what to buy) which I thought was a lovely idea but Sean explained to her about the food thing again and what she can and can't have, well she hit the roof and slammed the phone down on him. All he was doing was explaining the problem we had the other day at school! Plus she's previously given her things she shouldn't really have and Camille knows this! He wasn't even having a go just explaining things and she took it the wrong way.

I'm also sick of the fact she uses me as a taxi service, we live 12 miles apart and I am still expected to go there and take her kids to parties and generally ferry her around when she needs it, there's never a thank you and hardly ever a please.

She jealous of Paris spending time with Sean's mum, Sean's mum took Paris shopping on tuesday last week and OMG she had to have her 3 year old go too as she thought she was missing out! I mean it was supposed to be time with Paris and grandma.

I just can't understand these people - she needs to grow up and act 36 not 3!!!!
Anyhow - I dropped her off Friday morning but didnt hang around for any crap. Just said Sean would collect her at 4.15 and that she didn't need any tea as she would be fed when home. Sean collected her and SIL had just made her tea so Sean had to wait until she was finished (Personally I would have just gone) and then she pulled out some additive full trifle and told Paris she could have some, sean took the pot off her and read out the additives to her (SIL that is) so she snatched it off him and asked what his problem was!

Needless to say she's not having either children (She's not had harry at all no one has ) and we are just letting her cool off. She needs to bloody grow up ffs

the shits going to hit the fan tonight I think as paris won't be going to her daughters 4th birthday party due to the food being served!!!
Apologises but she sounds a bit of a brat to me!
I'd be the same. If she can't be sensible then she's ruining it for herself. If you can't trust her to do as you say then why would you let her go round?!
you would think she would understand your situation being as paris is autistic.

i would not let my kids round heres, and would not help her out even if it was family :wall: :wall:

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