doctor makes me so angry!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2012
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I've just been to see my doctor as I feel nauseous ALL the time and quite dizzy when standing he basically told me to just get on with it! He also didn't know what a chemical pregnancy was and when I explained I had one because this pregnancy he said my dates didn't add up and that you can get false positives basically saying I might not be pregnant!!!!

Good job I've got my booking in on Friday! Hopefully she will check my urine? I also explained that I had no appetite and could hardly drink water and thaty urine was almost brown this morning (sorry tmi) and that I had lost around 11lbs? He didn't seem worried, should I be?xx
Sorry to hear your doc was rubbish. Hopefully the mw will be better. x
what a knob head dont go him again, u realy owt to be drinkign tho as u could end up in hossy dehydrated and on a drip, do please try and drink something and small amounts of foods i cant beleive ur doctor acted like this wtf crazy man, glad ur mw is friday take care xxx
Sorry you had such an awful doctor today, I hope he's not your regular gp or I'd think about changing to another, dehydration is serious and if your urine has already gone brown it not far off, you must drink if not water something like lucazade steer clear of fruit juices as you could get a water infection from the acidity .I do hope you start to feel alittle better soon.
This is why I've waited to see my regular gp he's caring and understanding. My appointment's in the morning , fingers crossed xx
good god i wonder why some people decide to become doctors! what an insensitive idiot!!

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