grrr back and rib pain :(


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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for the past few days now i have had backache when im sat down, for instance now, while im at work and sat down, its like an ache and its driving me mad and getting me down.

also for the past few days i have had a pain in my rib, at the bottom, its like an ache like i have banged it but its only there (mostly)after i have eaten and im sat down.

grrrr :(
I had awful back pain about 3/4 weeks ago - baby must have been pressing really hard down on my lower back and sitting at the desk was agony - then all of a sudden baby moved up and the back pain disappeared. hopefully this will happen to you too :hug: :hug:
I can sympathize with you Leanne, ive had some backache myself over the last few days its really painful, i had to take a paracetamol to get to sleep lastnight as it was just so uncomfortable! x
I've had backache for the past couple of weeks's ruddy killing me.

When I get home at night after sitting at my desk all day I can hardly walk. It eases off a bit when I sit with my feet up on the sofa but it's killing me most of the time.

I'm really worried that it's only going to get worse at the baby gets bigger so I've started Aquanatal classes to see if being in the water helps me with excersizing. i've only been once so I don't know if it's going to work yet but I'm going to persavere.

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