

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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I just don't understand the stupidity of some people. If i ever go round someones house that has pets i'd not assume they were allowed out. I'd just not let them out unless told otherwise. So why do people not think like that with me?
I have 4 cats. 1 is allowed out but is separate to the rest coz he's a grumpy bugger and thats just how he is. The other 3 are house cats. 1 tries getting out but because she's had 2 litters of kittens, 1 of which i had to bottle feed when Angel was 4 weeks coz she abandoned them. The other 2 have been here since birth and never been outside. (I cannot afford to give them all the snip so this is an easy option.) They have only made it to the front door and a bit of breeze sends them running back inside.
But, whenever people come round they either let the escapee out and then say "Was that cat aloud out?"
Or you say "Don't let the cat out!" And they pull the thick "What??!" face and out she goes.
Well today the boiler man came round. Not only did he let out escapee cat but one of the others managed to get shut out too! We never realised that he'd gone til i heard the remaining one cry. She never cries. She's such a quiet cat. I then realise she's all alone. In a panic i run outside and shout him but he's nowhere to be seen. I'm so worried. As much as OH hates them he even went out to look. We went for a walk to posts some letters and went different routes there and back but nothing!
I'm bothered he'll be scared somewhere and not find his way home. The escapee is still about outside so he's not with her.
I've been in tears. I don't know what to do. The 1 left at home is just lost.
oh hun i do hope you find your cat soon and all is ok

will be thinking of you hun :hug: :hug:
Bloody boiler man :evil: I hope you find them, will they not come back when they get hungry???
He has fortunately made an appearance! I was terrified he'd get scared or something and just hide. He's never seen a car let alone be near one! He wouldn't come in for ages though. I had to try and catch him.
Awwww, I'm so glad he's home. When my cats were indoor cats i was so panicked when one got outside :( My whole family was out looking for our cat Bounty when she got outside at our old place because the road was so busy. Thank fully we got her back quite quickly, but that's why here we've ended up letting them outside because they would make a run for the door all the time.

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