grr oh you pain in the arse


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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love him to bits but he spent all last week 100% sober. then this weekend he is having some beers.

said to me oh i won't drink more than a couple. he had 7 last night and has had too many today already to drive.

ive had pretty strong period pains through the night and started getting some tightenings now and increased discharge. secretly worrying incase tonight is the night and he cant drive me. i can call my dad but feel abit embarrased to ring him and say can you take me cos lee has drunk too much.

grrr. so annoying. xxx
Give him a big slap and a black coffee!

And hope tonight isn't the night unless you can ring your Dad x
Grrrrrr! There is no point in remaining mad at him for the rest of the evening, if tonight is not the night then make sure he gets a good talking to in the morning! Take some satisfaction from the fact that he is hungover!

My OH works Fri and Sat nights so if he was going to have a drink it would be on a Sunday normally. He has definately taken advantage of this up to now. He never goes to pub -he would sit in with me and have a few at home.

He had intended to stop drinking long before our due date. He decided last Sunday would be the last day where he would drink - lol he was soooooo hungover on Monday that I think he is secretly glad that the next 8 weeks are a booze free zone!
Out of order!! Completely!! He should have more respect for you and your baby at this stage in the pregnancy than to be so selfish. :shakehead: Make surehe understands that he absolutely has to be available for you whenever you need him to be.

he did apologise and looked quite panicked when he noticed my pains getting worse last night. xxx
make him pay for it today no matter how sorry he claims to be!
lol. i want to but kind of feel bad at the same time cos he has been so good not drinking and this weekend was his 1st slip up. doesnt make it better but he is pretty much saying he is gonna not drink anymore. doesnt wana be drinking when little man is here etc.

suppose we dont really think of it but oh's have to give up things aswell and i havent really thought about the stuff he wont do anymore. xxx
Sorry - had to look on the bright side and had a giggle cos you call your LO "half pint" I would just relax and think he has learned his lesson now - no more!!
yeah call him half pint cos oh's surname is pitcher. lol.

although oh also says he is probably made up of at least 30% alchol. as he normally has a few beers a week. xxx
I have to admit... My hubby has a beer and a glass of wine or 2 when he gets in and I haven't even thought of suggesting a booze ban. I am assuming that I won't need to be driven to hospital as soon as I
Go into labour... You often have 12 or so hours before you'd need to get to
Hospital. So he'd be ok to drive when I needed him to. And worse comes to worse we live in London and are only 10 mins from hospital we could get a cab...
Hi, maybe he getting it in before baby comes; but a naughty man I think. You need to tell him you could start labour any day and he needs to be prepared for this then ban him from drinking for the next few days... xxx

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