Growth spurt or just hot?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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So tired.

For the last day or so Harry has hardly gone 2 hours between feeds and sometimes less (last week we were managing up to 3 hour)

Finding it really draining to be feeding him this much but I know I have to do it?

Do you think it's a growth spurt (he was 5 weeks on thurs) or is he just thirsty cos of the heat? He's not only have more feeds they're quite long compared to usual

Trouble is it seems to be compounding his problem of wind/griping cos he keeps bringing his knees up and crying way more than he usually does

I havent done any expressing yet so don't want to offer him any water from a bottle. Is it worth offering him some from a syringe or just stick with BF?

Feel so poo about it all today like i'm just not enough for my little man xx
Are you sure he needs feeding hun?

It's not something else he's crying for? I.e too hot/tired etc?

Sorry ive just had the message from the hospital drummed in to me about not feeding too often now which I'm still struggling to accept :(
He'll be nearing his 6 week growth spurt so might be a bit of both :)

i reckon its a growth spurt and a bit of extra feeding from it being so hot hun, give it a few days and see if he settles down. remember these growth spurts dont last too long so soon he will be back to feeding less again. your doing fab never doubt that your making enough for him x
Sounds like a growth spurt, we were the same at 5/6 week mark, it was exhausting! The weather not helping I'm sure. Harry is feeding every 2 hours in this weather too, hang in there it won't last forever.x
Tor I've got your hospital message in my head too!! That's why I'm worrying a bit

He's making all the right signs of rooting for my boob. I've made sure where I can I've passed him over to either hubby or my mum to make sure that he's not just asking for booby cos I'm holding him.

We've not been out today really and we've been spending lots of time naked (well H has been naked!!) to keep cool

Just wasn't sure when they had a growth spurt.

Poor mite is flopped out next to me nowImageUploadedByTapatalk1338065965.384286.jpg
He's a big lad as well so I imagine a growth spurt for him is fairly hefty! And E has had lots more wind than normal as well bizarrely. Think when they are grizzly in this weather it is even more draining on us as we are hot and bothered as well. xx
Well if he's bobbing his head next to boobies he probably is hungry lol.

Hang in there, if its a growth spurt it's only temporary and will stop soon.

I can't tell with my LO when she is hungry or not, she sometimes eats her hands but then she does that just after a feed too. And cos she cries so often it's difficult to know what she wants.

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