Growth scans


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hi everyone...I'm posting in here but I'll be officially in my third trimester tomorrow!!!! I was just wondering who's been refered for growth scans? And how common are they in pregnancy?

I had to go for another scan when I was 23 weeks as they wanted detailed images of the heart chambers. Nothing was mentioned previous to this scan and I was assured it was just routine and nothing to worry about. Yet the sonographer scared us by saying she had issues with the growth and was told I should speak to a midwife immediately. To cut a long story short the midwife was confused as she said the sonographer had signed everything off as normal and healthy and hadn't put anything in her report about growth issues.

Anyway I've been put under consultant led care rather than midwife as I'm a little on the large side and the consultant had refered me for growth scans at 28 & 34 weeks. Yet when she had a poke around she didn't mention anything about growth.

Sorry for waffling on but is this just precautionary as I'm a bigger girl?
Thanks in advance people xxx
Just realised I've put this is the wrong place as I'm not in that trimester for another week!
Sorry for being a mong! x
I was referred for a growth scan at about 33 weeks with Sam, but that was because I was measuring small (fundal height) and they were concerned that he was on the small side - at my scan a few days later he was well above average size! I think they just like to be extra cautious (and probably don't realise that without a good explanation it's very worrying for us, when 99% of the time there's absolutely no growth issue at all). I'm sure everything will be fine.

I can move this to 2nd tri for you if you want but probably fine here anyway :) x
i got 4 growth scans because i started bleeding half way through my pregnancy. they never found a reason for the bleeding and every scan i had came back good news. all they said to me was they wanted to check that the baby was gettin enough oxygen etc, basically everything he needed to grow healthy in there and i was told if the scans showed he wasnt following the scale on the growth chart it would be better off for the wee one being born and gettin what he needed in special care as that way they could make sure he was getting it. if that makes sense. luckily everythings been perfect and to be honest im glad i got the chance to get the extra scans because it really helped put my mind at ease if anything, knowing that the little one was doing ok. im sure everything will be ok and they're just taking extra precuations. hope it goes well x
I think they do them more routinely now as a precaution i really don't think you shoud be concerned. At least you'll get a few extra peeks at babe xx
Ive heard of a lot of people who are having them, they are just very cautious to make sure everythings alright. Im a bit jealous, I wish I could see what the LO looks like now! But Im sure youve got nothing to worry about :hug:
i managed to get 7 scans instead of 2, granted i paid for a 4D on myself but it was great cause i got to see how he was growing at all different stages. i thought they were rare things too but since ive been on the forum ive realised alot of people get them so they are obviously taking more precautions which is good.
one good thing about the extra scans, if u want to know the sex of ur wee one, cause i got it checked about 4 or 5 times and everytime came back male, so i'll be damned if they got it wrong on all 5 occasions hehe
i've had growth scans with all of mine but because i measured small for dates, at 29 weeks i only measured 24 etc so had loads of scans with them all and only one of them had anything wrong, my youngest was found to have lost a bit of weight at around 33 weeks so they booked me for induction at 34weeks as it turned out he was bigger than they originally thought but did have a bowel infection so spent three weeks in scbu.

i wouldn't worry much about growth scans if the midwife had any real concerns she would have spoken to you about them, just enjoy the fact you get to see baby more often xx
I had to have growth scans at 28 weeks and 34 weeks because of how small i was. Nothing wrong with bubs at all but they were concerened because i still barely had a bump! But all was fine and i have been signed off consultant led care and am now back to midwife led :) Hope your scans go okay :) xxx

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