Growth scan will they induce


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2007
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I'm measuring nearly a month bigger than my dates so been booked in for a scan next week. Will they try and induce me. If so can i refuse. Last baby was 9 pound i had no problem with her even though i'm only 5 foot
In my scan at 27 weeks, they said the baby was growing fast, so going to monitor it. Then sunday my fundal height was 37.

People on here have mainly said not to worry though. And I dont think anyond can ever be forced into an induction. Its always up to you :)

Good luck :hug:
Just hoping i can go into labour before wednesday. I've got a week of old wives tales to try :-)
I *think* providing baby is all well and healthy then you can refuse an induction.
It mightn't mean that anyway, and baby probably isn't as big as they say! xxxx
Yes you can refuse induction.
With DS2 I went 2 weeks averdue and the consultant told me I'll need to be induced. I completely refused because Im against induction. I told him if there is an urgency to get the baby out, then do a Section. He agreed and I went into labour naturally 2 days later, the day before I was due to see him again :lol:

Scans at the end of pregnancy are not very accurate, so take what you're told with a pinch of salt.
Good Luck with it all, and hope you go into labour naturally soon! (tip: Try gardening! :D )
Thanks for your replies. I'm going to try cleaning the windows. The one's i can reach anyway which with my height won't be many :-D. See if that gets him moving.
You can refuse an induction. They are only advising you of things. Growth scans are not conclusive of actual baby size as its hard to get great readings once they are big in your tummy.

I was/am measuring 4 weeks and then 3 weeks ahead and they have not talked induction yet. 10 days past my due date I have an appointment to discuss that.

They say I am having a large baby and advise me to deliver in hospital, but at no time did they mention induction based soley on size. TBH my understanding is inducing for this reason is actually not the best course of action and its thought better to allow LO to arrive in their own time.

I'd not worry overly and even if they do mention induction and give you all the reasons why, don't feel you *have* to agree to it.

I personally am opting for labour to happen naturally with my supposed biff baby :)
Sherlock. Why do they bother doing these scan's? I can see myself baby is going to be a nice size. And i'm sure i'l be able to deliver natually. When they mention scan's it just panics me.

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