growing out of reflux? & sleep question


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Hi, this is for anyone who has had a little boy with reflux (as the title says!)... my little one has got reflux & its dam hard work with breastfeeding & probably could have broke me if i had let it. We are only having minimal gaviscon (2.5mls instead of 15) as i couldnt get 15mls into him - it was horrendous via syringe & has now given him horrific wind to try & get rid of!
My question though... how old was your child when the reflux resolved itself? Did you buy anything special to help them sleep? I ask that because our little lad will sleep perfectly in your arms BUT put him in a basket etc (even at an angle) & he is sick within 5 mins which makes him wake up & scream.... needless to say we're not getting much sleep as he only is sleeping "properly" when propped on us.

Any advice?!
Lil miss is a booby baby with bad reflux. She has only just started growing out of it now... although she still has her days when she pukes loads :( Mind she doesn't have any meds now.. and didn't get given anything until she was 6 months old.... (typical Spain for you :roll:)

Once they are on 3 meals a day and a snack its much better... although food is no cure. :roll: I understand you comment
its dam hard work with breastfeeding & probably could have broke me if i had let it.
Its really hard but lil miss just upped her feeds and she was fine... infact when she had formula in the hospital she was worse... :roll:

Just remember my LO may be 9 months old now...but she was only born yesterday :lol: The time zips by...

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