Green snot - is this my plug? is this ok?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Twice this morning i have had blobs of light green snotty stuff on my tissue when i have been to the loo :shock:

Is this the start of my plug? bit shocked as it was green, any ideas :think:

Updated to say it is more of a yellow colour now so presuming it is my plug emerging from what people have said :cheer:
My plug was clear but really thick gunge. could be! sounds like the start x

I had my show on my due date then delivered 11 days later.

Kim x x x x x
Hi Naomi,

I would think it's def your plug......

I lost mine a week ago in clumps of snotty like gunge :puke:

The first blob was as big as a grape, slimy and looked like snot!! and really really gross, more or less clear though and the rest I noticed in smaller little lumps upon wiping after I had been to the loo the following day.

Obviously I got a bit panicked as I was only 33 weeks, but have been re-assured by the MW it does not always mean labour is imminent and can happen 3 week prior to the start of anything which might then only start as niggles that take a week or so to is a sign your body is getting ready and your nearly full term. Some people have lost their plug at 28 weeks and still gone on to 41 weeks so don't take it that labor will def start today either!!!!

It can be clear, white, green, pink, brown and yellow in colour so don't worry about it's gorgeous colouring! Green can mean a vaginal infection too so I would prob mention to middy just in case but I'm sure it's 100% normal!!

Congrats!! - Not long now! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I would ring your MW hun!

I really hope I'm wrong here (I'm not too clued up on plugs as I haven't lost mine), but I always thought green meant baby is in distress and pooed? :think: :pray: Like I said, I hope I'm wrong as I haven't read up on it much at all..

Yeah, so I'd just ring your MW/delivery suite babe. I'm sure it means nothing and is actually just your plug and nothing sinister :hug: :hug: xx
sounds like your plug!
ive been loosing mine in bits for a week or so now!
When you say green, is it like slimey? If it it sort of slimey discharge/watery then this is part of the normal process!
Sounds like it might not be long for you!
Good Luck
yes its light green and the first lot was about a penny in diameter size and just sat on the tissue, the second lot was long and stringy

Got my sweep on tuesday so hope this combined with that makes a difference :pray:

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