great hubby!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Hello all

Just feeling soppy and wanted to say how great my husband is. It has been a really difficult year for us and he has stuck by me though it all..

My brother died suddenly and unexpectedly 10 weeks before our wedding (which was last Jan) and we managed to get through it and have a great day but it was really hard as i was grieving and upset and happy all at once. He even understood when i didn't think i could go thru with the wedding at that time cos i felt like i was betraying my brother.

Anyway just wanted to say that he is a lovely man who has been so patient and understanding and couldn't do enough for me.

All we need now is our first baby to complete our family.... :D Hope it happens soon!

thanks for listening!!

Nikki x
:hug: :hug: :hug:

may you live a long and happy life together! Well done both of you :)
Im sorry for your loss hun, I hope that it happens for you soon, good luck and congratulations on your wedding :hug: :hug:
aww hun im sorry bout ur loss but sounds like uv got a brilliant husband
Aww im so sorry to hear about your brother what a terrible thing to happen :( :( :( :(

I'm also very lucky to have a good man in my life. Before I found out I was pregnant he kept saying that he never wants kids but then I told him i'm pregnant and he has been unbelievably good! He has gone out and bought loads of baby stuff and he wont let me lift a finger. I do feel so sorry for the women out there who get dumped for being pregnant my heart goes out to them.
Seems we do have good men, amoungst those knobbers there really are men who "get it", congrats on finding a good one babe, i know where your coming from ;)

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