
My ‘little’ G is almost 14 months already. This stage is so bloody adorable but my god it’s hard work :lol: he’s all go, every day. Into everything, putting everything in this mouth, terrorising me haha. But when he says hiya in his little voice I just melt. I’m still so besotted with him!

I’ve been back to work for almost 6 weeks now. I’ve never felt such dread at going back in my life but within hours I felt like I’d never been away :roll: I’m only doing two night shifts a week but it’s hard going with two kids on top and running a home. Grayson is really struggling with separation anxiety too, which makes my mum guilt horrendous. He’s okay when I’m not there but as soon as I’m home or my days off, he’s attached to my hip permanently and cries if I go out of sights :( I really hope he settles soon and it gets better!

Only another 4 cycles until we ttc our third and final baby. Hubby wants to start trying now but just because life isn’t busy enough, we’re applying for an extension to start on the house :help:I want to know that’s all good to go before thinking about trying as if it doesn’t go to plan, we’ll be looking at moving. I’m so ocd about being organised I can’t bring myself to just think bugger it, let’s try. Whereas R is all for that haha! We’re putting money away for a FET as I’m positive we’ll need it but we’ll give trying naturally a shot for a few months!

Here’s my perfect little cherub <3

Sounds like exciting times ahead :)
He is seriously gorgeous! I love this age too but it does have it's moments of pure exhaustion, it's non-stop! xx
Sounds like exciting times ahead :)
He is seriously gorgeous! I love this age too but it does have it's moments of pure exhaustion, it's non-stop! xx

Lovely to hear from you :D oh god total and utter exhaustion, hes beyond adorable but I’ve not been this tired in a long time :lol: how are you lovely? And gorgeous Sophie? Xx
My best friend had her little IVF miracle yesterday and it’s making me beyond broody. I had ewcm this morning and it’s taking all my strength not to say bugger it and start trying I’m determined to wait until summer when we go to NY or thereabouts. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have a difficult day with little mr G and I’ll be anti baby again haha!

He’s changing so much. I feel like every time I blink he’s grown up more and learnt something new. We’re havinf full on tantrums and mr independent is in full force. I absolutely love seeing his little personality. I’m enjoying him so much!

We’re having quite a hard time with Lucas at the moment. He’s now on a form of Ritalin which is making a massive difference but he has days he refuses to take it and we can really see (and feel) the difference in him. Thats been the last week and it’s been hard. As part of his Tourette’s he’s also developed a stutter which is infuriating him with frustration. He’s such a good big brother when he wants to be though, I hope better times are round the corner

Today’s picture at the park xx

Lovely to hear from you :D oh god total and utter exhaustion, hes beyond adorable but I’ve not been this tired in a long time :lol: how are you lovely? And gorgeous Sophie? Xx

I'm great thanks and Sophie is amazing. She is as bright as a button. She knows her colours already and says "Mummy a girl"..."Daddy a boy"...she's not even 2! I was saying earlier how on earth will we cope when she's full on chatting lol.

Sorry to read you're having some issues with Lucas. My son is also on medication and had to adjust them recently due to some difficulties. Hopefully he will soon feel the difference it makes as an incentive to take his medication. Would a reward chart work? If he takes each day for a week he gets extra tv time, a treat, does something he enjoys etc x
I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I updated this. I think I’ve said it every update - but life is flying by!

Grayson is 16 months now. He’s still a little toerag, into absolutely everything, tantrums and refusal to do anything he’s told but he’s so bloody adorable I could eat him. I’m exhausted with working night shifts and having both the boys, but I still miss him when I’m at work. We’re still breastfeeding but on the wind down now, only really feeding morning and night, some days only once a day. It’s been very gradual and gentle which I’m grateful for. I’m proud of how long I’ve managed to feed but most definitely ready to finish now. Grayson loves his grub so he certainly won’t be missing out :lol: he says loads of words and certainly knows how to use them in the right context :lol: he’s so cheeky!

We’re going to New York in 7 weeks (eek) which was when we’d ageeed to try for baby number 2. I remember thinking it felt forever away but now it’s here I keep thinking am I ready? Haha but it’s now or never. If it’s meant to be it will be! I’ve been keeping an eye on ovulation and my cycles, I doubt it will make any difference to conceiving naturally but worth a try. Maybe! Last night I got a super positive OPK. Hubby was saying just to go ahead and try but we’ve waited this long, we can wait another 7 weeks!

Picture of my beautiful smiley cheeky happy boy and my super positive ov test xx

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So, a little bit of unexpected news. We planned to try for another little one when we go to NY next week, with the aim of trying a FET September time. However, last month we had one (yes one) slip up and unbelievably I’m pregnant :shock: the first time we’ve had unprotected sex since trying for Grayson. Last week I started feeling nauseous and my boobs were sore (I thought I had mastitis). I quickly tested in work and thought I could see a line, tested again the next day and most definitely a line. I cried - out of total shock, worry, anxiety, fear. I still cannot believe after everything we went through for 2 years with Grayson that this could happen with one time. I’ve forgot how awful these early days are, every cramp I panic, I check my knickers a million times a day. It’s so hard to relax!!

I think I’m finally over the shock and now can’t stop praying this little miracle makes it to February, as mummy most definitely wants to meet you ❤️❤️

Woo! Obvs we chat so I know this #pregnancyforumfriend but YAAAAAASSSSS QUEEN! Congratulations again lovely! So bloody happy for you after all you went through with G!


So, a little bit of unexpected news. We planned to try for another little one when we go to NY next week, with the aim of trying a FET September time. However, last month we had one (yes one) slip up and unbelievably I’m pregnant :shock: the first time we’ve had unprotected sex since trying for Grayson. Last week I started feeling nauseous and my boobs were sore (I thought I had mastitis). I quickly tested in work and thought I could see a line, tested again the next day and most definitely a line. I cried - out of total shock, worry, anxiety, fear. I still cannot believe after everything we went through for 2 years with Grayson that this could happen with one time. I’ve forgot how awful these early days are, every cramp I panic, I check my knickers a million times a day. It’s so hard to relax!!

I think I’m finally over the shock and now can’t stop praying this little miracle makes it to February, as mummy most definitely wants to meet you ❤️❤️

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Awww congrats on the bfp! Your son is such a cutie!!:love:
Oh wow this is unbelievable.
It just goes to show this TTC journey is absolutely crazy.
Massive congratulations to you. I can imagine your next little bean will be as adorable as Grayson xx
Huge congratulations! These stories are always amazing. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!
Thank you so much lovely ladies for all your comments. I’ve been in such disbelief for the first few weeks, I just couldn’t get my head around the shock. Years and IVF for Grayson and an unexpected one time quickie for this little miracle. It really does show anything can happen! I think I’m 6+5 today. Hoping to have an early scan next week for peace of mind. This was the last tests I done the other day :)
I suppose I better make a new journal before Graysons gets overtaken by baby #3!! Xx

I just popped on because I wanted to say a massive congratulations! I really hope this pregnancy goes amazingly for you! :D
I just popped on because I wanted to say a massive congratulations! I really hope this pregnancy goes amazingly for you! :D

Thank you so much lovely. Can’t believe how much time has passed since my last post! I’m just over 17 weeks now and been suffering with hyperemesis since week 6. It’s been worse this time, going on longer and I’m just out of hospital again. Desperately trying to remind myself how worth it this is! Xx

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