My little horror is 9.5 months

I cant believe bekieve Im at the stage of thinking about his birthday. It absolutely breaks my heart how quickly time is going in.
Tooth number 5 has just cut through the gum - Im praying this is the reason for the weeks of sleepless nights

hes had 5 teeth in just a couple of months so overall hes coped okay. Hes cut his feeds down a lot during the day but makes up for it in the evening and through the night - if he could turn it round the other way that would great
Hes crawling like hes on speed, cruising round my furniture and taking steps from one thing to the next. Yesterday he stood no handed for a few seconds. I forgot how constant this stage is, hes into absolutely everything. He can crawl from the bottom of the stairs to the top in less than 30 seconds. Hes all go go go!
I spoke with my boss and Im due back to work the end of November but Ive so much annual leave to use Im not back until around the 10th of January and then Im using another weeks annual leave to go back 1 shift a week until February then Ill be back my 23hrs a week. Its worked out better than I hoped
So 2 weeks ago it was my big 30th eek. Hubby got me a surprise trip to New York next June. Weve always dreamed of going and Im absolutely delighted, but its put a squash on any further baby plans for the mo! We were hoping to try as of November but if by some miracle it happened straight away Id be too far gone to fly so couldnt risk it. I think were just going to wait until May/June time to try now. Its later than I wanted but this is possibly a once in a lifetime trip so I dont want to risk not being able to go or having HG again and not enjoying it, for the sake of waiting 7 months.
Millie - Im so glad you havent suffered as badly this time. That gives me hope, as you sounded exactly as I was with Grayson! I think if I felt it starting Id be at the GP instantly for the good stuff

does your little boy have a name yet?
Lisey - I dreamt I came on and you had a ticker saying 15 weeks pregnant eek

hope youre well?
Heres another picture just because hes gorgeous and Im obsessed
