
So adorable. <3
And super exciting for you. :D So you&#8217;re officially waiting to try and have a target date!
MrsS15 - what gorgeous little boys you have. You must feel so lucky. It&#8217;s so lovely to see such a beautiful journal on here. Wishing you all the luck in the world that you can conceive naturally with baby no.3 x
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I didn't think I could get any broodier but bloody hell his little smiling face is perfect, he's such a handsome little chunk! <3
OH MY GOD! Grayson is just beautiful! Such a bonnie little man. I cannot believe you’re going to try again! I’m soooo excited for you! The next will be a girl. I know it! xxxx
Aw ladies your comments are so so lovely. He is the most beautiful happy little boy. He’s a total toerag at the moment but one smile and he just lights up my life. I feel like the luckiest mummy ever!

I can’t believe he’ll soon be 9 months. I’m meeting my boss on Tuesday to discuss my shifts for going back to work and it’s terrifying me. Can I win the lottery and stay home with him forever?!

He’s crawling like a little mad man, standing up and cruising round my furniture too. He’ll be walking in no time. I think I need a play pen :lol:

November our ttc date is getting closer and closer. The closer it gets the more I feel I might wimp out :lol: I think I’m massively anxious we struggle to conceive (which is highly likely) and that it absorbs my life again. I can’t and won’t go through that. It took up so much of my life and I won’t do that to my sons! We still have 5 frozen embryos so I know we have options which I’m hoping will make me relax more and not get sucked into the process. The thought of having HG again worries me too. But I suppose I could always think of something negative when I should be thinking of the little outcome at the end :D

G has been sleeping for hours so I really should be too but I’ve had a lovely peaceful evening completely on my own so I’m making the most of it. We’re having terrible separation anxiety at the moment so the days can be quite long and hard, I’m mastering everything with a baby on my hip :lol: I know how quickly time flies past (Lucas will be 10 in 3 weeks :shock: ) so I’m soaking up all these baby stages!

Here’s another picture just because he’s so adorable :D xx


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Awwww he is just adorable! So cute!
How exciting about ttc! I hope it&#8217;s easier for you this time. Also, I had HG with my daughter and was in hospital on drips twice and not able to get out of bed or shower for weeks and weeks, had a hospital appointment where I was pushed in a wheelchair as I was too weak to walk etc. This time was no where near as bad. I got my tablets early on and there were still days which were absolute hell and I had to get a lot of help to look after my daughter but it was nothing like with her. I&#8217;m still on the anti sickness tablets now as it has lasted longer even though it wasn&#8217;t as bad. But it seemed to be more like several sickness rather than the full on hg I had with her. I was terrified too and feel very lucky this time! So you don&#8217;t always get it as severe again :). Saying that I feel I was so lucky this time that I wouldn&#8217;t want to risk a third lol! Just make sure you have a good support system etc childcare etc before falling pregnant , maybe make some freezer meals before sickness kicks in etc and straight to docs for tablets soon as you get bfp! Xx
He is literally perfect!
How exciting about ttc, I must admit I am broody but HG terrifies me too.
Millie, congrats on baby no2 :)
My little horror is 9.5 months :shock: I can’t believe bekieve I’m at the stage of thinking about his birthday. It absolutely breaks my heart how quickly time is going in.

Tooth number 5 has just cut through the gum - I’m praying this is the reason for the weeks of sleepless nights :lol: he’s had 5 teeth in just a couple of months so overall he’s coped okay. He’s cut his feeds down a lot during the day but makes up for it in the evening and through the night - if he could turn it round the other way that would great :lol:

He’s crawling like he’s on speed, cruising round my furniture and taking steps from one thing to the next. Yesterday he stood no handed for a few seconds. I forgot how constant this stage is, he’s into absolutely everything. He can crawl from the bottom of the stairs to the top in less than 30 seconds. He’s all go go go!

I spoke with my boss and I’m due back to work the end of November but I’ve so much annual leave to use I’m not back until around the 10th of January and then I’m using another weeks annual leave to go back 1 shift a week until February then I’ll be back my 23hrs a week. It’s worked out better than I hoped :D

So 2 weeks ago it was my big 30th eek. Hubby got me a surprise trip to New York next June. We’ve always dreamed of going and I’m absolutely delighted, but it’s put a squash on any further baby plans for the mo! We were hoping to try as of November but if by some miracle it happened straight away I’d be too far gone to fly so couldn’t risk it. I think we’re just going to wait until May/June time to try now. It’s later than I wanted but this is possibly a once in a lifetime trip so I don’t want to risk not being able to go or having HG again and not enjoying it, for the sake of waiting 7 months.

Millie - I’m so glad you haven’t suffered as badly this time. That gives me hope, as you sounded exactly as I was with Grayson! I think if I felt it starting I’d be at the GP instantly for the good stuff :lol: does your little boy have a name yet?

Lisey - I dreamt I came on and you had a ticker saying 15 weeks pregnant eek :D hope you’re well?

Here’s another picture just because he’s gorgeous and I’m obsessed :D xx


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Awwww he is so adorable! Teething is horrid!
Wow New York sounds amazing! Defo a good idea to make sure you won&#8217;t be at risk of HG for when the hol will be as it would be gutting to be too ill to go. Hopefully it happens fast for you when you get back or even happens in New York lol!
Yep going to be called Charlie :) . Xx
Happy 10 months (yesterday) our precious boy!

I genuinely have never felt time go in so quickly. I’m back to work in January and it’s coming round way too fast!

Grayson is into everything, he empties my drawers, climbs the stairs, pulls everything out the fridge and eats anything he gets his hands on. He says mama, dada, hiya and yeah. Waves bye and shakes his head for no... which funnily enough he’s mastered at all the right times! He’s got 6 big teeth now :oooo: not great when still breastfeeding. He’s nipped me more than a few times!! Not quite walking yet but cruising all the furniture and taking steps between things. He’s generally a fantastic baby, this is just a very demanding stage. Most nights he still wakes once for a feed/comfort which I can live with. He still isn’t in a great routine in the evenings but that’s completely my fault for not pushing the issue :lol:

Some days I’m ridiculously broody and others, I feel happy to wait until next summer :lol:

Millie - thank you. I’m not hopeful at all it’ll happen for us. My cycles have went from 33 days, to 29, 27 and this month was 24. Not filing me with confidence! But we’ll gice it a try for a few months come May/June. If it wasn’t for NY we’d be trying now! Charlie is lovely, that was my late Grampa’s name :D

Here’s the cheeky monkey :D xx


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Beautiful update and beautiful pictures. <3
My new little one is super chilled compared to my son. :) Hopefully she keeps it up like Greyson has. Xx
Beautiful update and beautiful pictures. <3
My new little one is super chilled compared to my son. :) Hopefully she keeps it up like Greyson has. Xx

Thank you lovely. How are you and your beautiful girl doing?

I can’t believe my boy is 10.5 months. He’s just such a cheeky funny little character. Completely keeps me on my toes! I’m feeling a little rubbish, we had planned to start ttc this month and obviously because of New York we have to put it off until May/June. I wouldn’t mind putting it off a few months but June feels forever away. I had a 24 day cycle last month but this months I’m on day 27 and still nothing. No sign of AF at all, so I’m expecting it to be super delayed. Wouldn’t even be surprised if my periods stopped again like they did in the early days. I know it’s unlikely we’ll conceive naturally but I feel like these cycles are really starting us off on the worst foot! I keep looking at my boys and I know how blessed I am. I think impending work is also playing on my mind!

Moan over :lol: x
So my gorgeous boy turned 11 months yesterday :shock: every milestone month shocks me more than the last. I’ve never known any other period of my life to go so fast. Failing to conceive was the longest time of my life but a year with my boy has been the fastest - so unfair. Can anyone stop time?

Grayson is now taking 4/5 steps on his own but only when he thinks we’re not looking. As soon as we try to get him to do it he suddenly develops jelly legs :lol: he now says hiya, dada, mama, yeah and cheese when you take a picture :lol: he shakes his head for no and knows exactly what it means. The last few days we’ve noticed a bit of a temper appearing too. He’s such a cheeky monkey but the most amazing happy mischievous little character!

We’re going on a little holiday this weekend to meet and stay with one of the mummy’s we met on here. Our babies were due on the same day and ended up born on the same day. We can’t wait for a lovely weekend with them :D

Work is creeping up on me far too quickly. I’m worrying about it constantly and getting angry at myself for letting it dominate my last weeks being off. I’m just hoping working part time will give me a much better balance and I won’t feel so miserable about working and being away from my boys. Roll on having another baby :lol:

Here’s the mischief maker.. xx


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What a little sweetie and so clever too x

Hope you have a wonderful holiday xx
And today he officially became a walker!! I knew it was coming but today he just got up and walked across the room, now there&#8217;s no stopping him. I&#8217;ve got a feeling the mischief is about to get worse :lol:

Thanks so much Lisey. He&#8217;s a little monkey! Xx
Only 4 days until Grayson is 1. The time has went in frighteningly fast. He’s still such a super happy little mischief maker. Walking everywhere and eating everything in sight. Still breastfeeding but I’m definitely feeling ready to start cutting that down. I’m back to work next month so I’m hoping that’ll start him slowly weaning!

We’re having a little afternoon tea party tomorrow with family for his birthday. It’s also the 1 year anniversary of my Grampa’s death so a little bittersweet but what better way to celebrate the wonderful life he had than the birthday of the baby he was desperate to meet?! I got all the food today so just need to make everything and decorate the cake tomorrow. I think he’ll be so excited - he loves being the centre of attention.

Here’s my little Santa baby

I have a one year old :shock:

We’re full on at tantrum stage. They are epic :lol: he’s so funny, chatting away loads and still has us all wrapped round his little finger. I just love him more than life itself ❤️

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