Grandparent boot camp!! :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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My Grandparents live in Spain & came over to stay with my Mum In December because my Nan has been quite ill. Well 4 months later they are still here, its not there fault though because my Nan has been having tests and an operation and also my Grandad has become quite ill too but my Mum is very fed up and I don't know what to do. My Grandad over the past year has become very forgetful, miserable, always starting fights, If I go round there and don't say hello to him straight away he wont talk to me, If I say something he thinks is wrong he wont talk to me and now hes stopped talking to my Brother for like the 5th time since hes been here (hes only spoken to him a handful of times in 4 months cause he keeps stop talking to him) and its always over the television, he told my Brother who's 15 to fu*k off last night and then called him a pr*ck this morning when he went in the living room where they're staying to get his school bag, yeah my Brother isn't an angel (he didn't say anything back) but he doesn't deserve to be spoken to like this. My Mum can't say anything because if she does all hell breaks loose and my Nan who always moans about my Grandad ends up sticking up for him :( I can't take it anymore Im angry & fed up with watching what I say or how I say it. I love my Grandparents to bits and no ive never been the easiest of children but I've grown up alot since them days. You only live once, my Grandad nearly died 2 years ago because he had an aneurysm on christmas day :cry: and my Nan has had a triple by pass, angina, high blood pressure, cholestrol the list goes on so they're not the healthiest of people & Im so scared that one day they wont talk to me for something petty and then something will happen to them :cry: Me, OH and Harrison are going to stay with them in Spain end of July and I dunno what to do :( they're forever giving Harrison chocolate when me and OH say NO chocolate that and no juice are the only rules we want people to stick to, If I do something they dont agree with Harrison or buy him something then they make it known :( I dont feel like his parent anymore because I dont have a say, the last time I stuck up for myself to my Grandad my Mum slapped me round the face even though after she said my Grandad was in the wrong. Sorry I'm not bothered if you dont reply but I needed to get it off my chest, Im so hurt by them they only have 1 child (My Mum) and 2 biological Grandchildren me and my Brother and obviously Harrison. Sorry, I think OH is fed up with hearing about it :(
Oh dear :shock: It's hard to know what to do in that sort of situation...if you actually can do anything! Maybe you should just tell them what you've said here? Especially about not wanting them to stop talking to you, and then something happening to them. I'm sure they'd understand that/
that's really hard and it must be very differecult for you mother.

i think your grandfatehrs behaviour (unless he has always acted like this) could be a sign of dementia or Alzeheimers. I'm sorry if that scares you, but irrational behaviour in older people that is out of charecter is often one of those two reasons.

I hope they do get their health issues sorted soon and everyone is able to feel more positive.


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