Grace Ann


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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after having a checkupat preg assessment on 12th they decided baby was getting bigand it wouldbe best to get LO out. they told me tocome in the nextday! so rushed home to sort everything out. my dad took mark and off i went tohospital. they gave me a pesseryto soften cervix and left me until fri morning. nothing had happened so theygave me some more. i started having contractions so was dead pleased. by 4pm i was in quite a lot of pain sothey said they would break my waters but unfortunately they were unable to reach without hurting me. they saidthey wouldtry the next day. so off i went back to the ward. by the next morning thecontractions had stopped :cry: but they saidtheywouldstill try breaking my waters again. so at 12.30pm on sat 14th my waters were finally broken and i was 2cm. after 2 hours contractions were not very strong and so midwife decided to put me on a drip to strengthen them. it took 2 hours and 4 medical people to put my drip in (i have crap veins
) but finally i was on my way. had pethadine at9pm which helped loads and my little pudding was born at 11.57pm on sat 14th. Grace Ann was a very healthy size 8lb 15oz and i felt every bit of her coming out!! but overall i hadan amazing birth experience. (my first was ill and was taken straight to SCBU) so thats it. she is now 18days old and is a gem.will try and get some picsup butnot sure how to do it.
Awww congrats hun!! Glad it went well!!
Glad everything went well for you.
Biggest congratulations xx

How you finding it with 2 under a year old???

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