Got my Obstetric Cholestasis results...


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Well had an eventful day today, the bathroom was being finished by the plumber and then I had my first antenatal class (which was V good by the way, we staged a protest as they weren't going to let partners/husbands come along, but they let us as the group is small and everyone had a partner).

Then I went back home for lunch and Mum was picking me up to go to the consultants to get the results, well, I fell down the three steps at our front door, luckily I landed on my hands and knees and didn't touch bump, but I got a big fright and burst into tears like a total doofus and had to rush into Mum's car in case the neighbours/bathroom fitter saw!!!.

Finally got to the hospital for results and told MW about fall, she did a heartrate and all was fine, he was also kicking a lot so she said not to worry.

The consultant came in with the results and the bile acids came back normal! I couldn't believe it, I am still itchy! She said that it was most likely that I am reacting to pregnancy hormones and have what they call "Pregnancy Itch". I have to stay on the liver medication tablets (long name.. ends with Acid) anyway and they are going to continue to monitor my liver function just in case (I have to go back in 2 weeks to get more bloods done) until I have the baby, which I was very glad about, and glad that they are taking me seriously, I'm also glad that I'm getting to stay on the tablets, because that way, if anything does crop up, I'm already on them.
I cried when I got the news as I have been really very worried.

Starting to babble now, so I will end this post! I'm just really happy!

Jen xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad you're being looked after and that the results came back ok :)

Well done on not falling on your bump! I fainted and somehow missed landing on mine - was mighty relieved! xxxx

Sorry to hear about your fall but very glad you didn't hurt yourself or baby, and excellent news regarding the results.
glad your being monitored , hope there checking for hellp too as my bile was normal to begin with two but elivated liver function and decreased blood count
My blood count was normal as was my liver function but I'll check with MW when I see her next wednesday. Thanks for letting me know xx
Glad your fall didn't harm bubs and didn't harm you too much :hug:
Really glad your results were good :D :hug:

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