Got my consultant appointment through


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Finally got my Consultant appt through today!

I will get my 20 week scan on 22nd Nov, then appt with consultant is 23rd Nov... exciting week!

I knew I had to see a consultant due to the fact that I had a c section last time but was a little confused as to why I'll be having consultant care now.

Spoke to one of my good friends who is a doc and she says it's prob because I had twins last time and that would put me a higher risk

This was the case last pg but didn't realise that it would be this one too :shock:

I know so far the differences are that I measure 8 weeks further on than I am but still confused why! :shock:

Any ideas?
mine is on the 22nd nov too, how exciting!!! :cheer:
Are you finding out the sex ?

I will be and what time is yours?

Mine is 10.30am :cheer:
My consultant appt and scan are made at one appt so i don't have to go to hosp twice..
no idea about why you got consultant care but you can ask.
i think mine is at about 3:30 but I can't remember as it was booked at our 12 week scan so feels like we have been waiting ages!

We are definitely finding out the sex much to everyones digust, I tell them it makes financial good sense so that we can buy gender specific things, to be fair though it is because I am so bloody nosy and can't stand the idea of a midwife knowing what I am having and me not!! :rotfl:
good luck at your consultant appointment on the 23rd and good luck at your scan on the 22nd

i have to wait longer for my scan as they were fully booked but its on the 23rd november, i will just be over 21 weeks!!!!
i was told that in our area all women having or have had twins automatically get consultant care. I've already had one appointment at 14 weeks and have another the same week as my 20 week scan
yeah it's the same in all areas I think if you're having twins.

Hi Twinnymum2be....I had consultant care with twinnies but can't understand why I have to this time as I'm only having one now... but still to do with the fact that I had two last time!?

I'm a little confused as to why :shock:

Missac, I'm finding out as I'm nosey too :rotfl: nd plus the fact to save Beth and Tom some heartache as Beth wants a sister and Tom wants a brother...would rather them have 20 weeks to get used to their dissapointment :D

Sarah, how exciting that we're all having the scans at the same time! Are you going to find out?

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