got consultant appointment tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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well ive got my consultant appointment tomorrow at 10am, because of my late loss in january and because i ended up having a blood transfusion. hopefully the consultant will listen to me as no one else seems to want too, im worried all the time that something is going to go wrong again before my 20 week scan. :(
was supposed to be having another scan tomorrow to but don't think they will do it as i had one on thursday anyway hopefully i get to hear babys heartbeat :cheer:
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hopr that they give you another scan to put your mind at ease

:hug: :hug:
I hope they do listen hun and I hope you get another scan anyways! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck for tomorrow. Hope you get a scan for peace of mind :hug:
just got back from the appointment, everythings fine apart from they could not find my notes from when i lost bubs in january :? need to go back and see the consultant again when im 22 weeks and they said i might end up having 4 weekly checks with them.
got to see baby again he/she has such a big belly and was jumping around loads again.
hopefully everything will run smoothly this time round.
also, why is it you can never read the consultants handwriting been trying to figure out what it says since ive got back :)
Im glad everything went well! I think consultants have a seperate class at school on how to write so no-one can understand it! ha

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