Consultant appt yesterday


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Hiya, i had my consultant appt yesterday and as to say it went well im not too sure :oooo:
The consultant was great was making jokes about things etc, But because my daughter was a big baby they are putting me through to have a glucose tolerence test. Iv also gotta go back at 38weeks and i will be induced around that time and also they want a Dr present at the birth too :( Just hoping they dont say this baby is gonna be big or ill have to be induced which id rather not as iv got no one to have my daughter till the week after the babys due :wall2: x
I've got to have a glucose tolerance test because my dad has type 1 diabetes so might find myself in the same boat! Perhaps your consultant is just erring on the of caution though, if the test comes back negative then surely they won't be anywhere near as worried?
Well i didnt have diabetes with my daughter so i doubt im going to have this time but i guess its better that they check. But if the test comes back negative But the midwife says the babys big then i think im going to be demanding growth scans as i aint gonna be told my babys big and have all the Dr`s around me and inducing me early and the baby comes out small. I no that theres a high chance this baby is gonna be big but i didnt think id need a Dr at the birth :( x
aw don't worry! maybe they just want to be safe rather than sorry. and at least with so much care around you it will be a lot more reassuring! maybe once you have a growth scan all will be ok and you wont have to get induced or have doctor present.. keep positive :D:D xxx
I've got to have the same test bacause of my bmi. How big was your daughter? My last was 8 11 and i am in two minds to have the test as i don't like interferance and would never want to be induced two weeks early. I'm quite big boned and tall and just think i would rather they leave me be and let me get on with it, if babes big i'l stretch! Did you have a natural birth last time.
My daughter was 9lb 3. and i had a natural birth. x
My last baby was 8lb 11oz and this time they've been all over me about Sid's of him being 9 / 10lbs and then talk of him not growing right......he was 8lb 4.5oz.....

Remember that they cant MAKE you do anything. They are there to advise you. If I'd done as I were told Sid would have been here at 37+4 after an induction that the Drs have admitted wouldnt have been necessary and even might have been a bad thing for him or me.

Weigh EVERYTHING up before deciding what to do. Dont be bullied. :)

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