got any tips for me?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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when harley is feeding he falls asleep half way through so i change his bum to wake him but still he will fall asleep if i let him by the time he wakes the bottles no good,

got any tips on keping a newborn awake? :think:
Have you tried blowing him gently when he starts to drift off?
ok this sounds really mean but it was the only thing that worked with mine :oops:
Alex would drop after about 2 mins, bum changes, blowing, bouncing nothing would rouse him enough to feed for more than a mouthful other than a wet flannel on his legs. Was my grannies suggestion and i felt horrid doing it but was getting so worried about him not getting enough milk.

i tickled B on his side or if it was warm enough got him nacked lol
il try the blowing, then if it dont work il try the wet flannel lol il feel cruel. but hes a lazy sod he asks soooo hungry sucking my arm rooting for a bottle then he has a taste and falls asleep then the bottles no good by the tim he wakes then i end up making another, i want him to have a good 3oz then a nap then 3oz after 3hrs
I squeeze Seren's hand. Apparently there is a reflex which causes them to open their mouths bigger but I also found it made her suck more.
yeah squeezing their hand stimulates the sucking reflex. I think Charlie still only takes 3oz now sometimes!!!!
Lol yes you do feel very mean with the flannel but at least you are then feeding them which is a comfort. i only had to do it for a few days before he started to get out of the habit of falling asleep.

like Harley he would be awake in half hour wanting food and as i was bf i didnt want to get sore with him keep messing about on and off the boob. once he could feed for at least five/ten mins and go a couple of hours between feeds he was so much more content

good luck - i agree though try some more gentle approaches first - this was our last resort!!

i read somewhere - might have been on here haha that if the flow of the teat is too slow for them they get bored and fall asleep because they aren't getting milk quick enough :think:

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