Got a early scan

Leanne and Andy

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi all. Just been to Docs with Paranioa over these god dam cramps which *touch wood* are getting rarer. The doc been the angel that she is has assured me theres nothing wrong BUT has booked me in for a early scan Monday morning at 11.30 just to put my mind at ease. Monday i should be around 5 weeks..will they be able to pick anything up this early??? xx
I had a scan at 5 weeks hun, as a was bleeding and had pains. The baby wasnt visible then but the sac was. I think its just to make sure everything is in the right place hun.

Try not to worry im sure ull be fine

Thanks hun would they at this point be able to pick up my greatest fear in the world - an eptopic? Also can they hear a heartbeat? In an ideal world theyd scan me and say im a few week further on than they thought :) xx
yeah they will be able to tell if its ectopic hunni, but try to think like that chick. There was no visible heart beat on mine hun, i was 5 weeks and 2 days.

Just try and stay calm until your scan hun and keep us posted

Thank you so much chicken. Im nervouse lol but im certain everythings fine - Just first time pregnancy paranioa probabaly. Best safe than sorry though. Thanks again xx:wave::wave:
I agree should be able to see the sac but not a heartbeat, will also confirm the position so will rule out eptopic
Hi hun I had an early scan with my ds, they thought could possibly be ectopic as had bad pains in one side. Had the scan about 6 weeks and they could see heartbeat by then, looked like a tiny pulsing bean!! Good luck xx
Oh forgot to say they did an internal scan, they will prob do the same for you its so early, just to pre warn you xx
I had an early scan too, told me I was 5-6 weeks, they also picked up on a very tiny heartbeat. Good luck for your scan and try not to worry, easier said than done. x
Thank you people...Im actually strangley looking forward to it! :eh: I think once i hear the words "everything seems fine" then i will be over the moon to feel my trapped wind which i have been suffering for the past week :wall2: xx

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