google is so bad


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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am usually pretty good at not googling as I;m very aware that I advise strongly against it... but DH let me :wall2::wall2:

My oestrogen was low in December, but told it was to be expected as breastfeeding, but that Dr would speak to gynae about how to treat symptoms. As I hadn't heard anything back I assumed that I was to put up with it until not breastfeeding

Last weekend I started to wonder where AFhas got too as was told that having the coil put in would kick start things back in November, in December went for it checking and they were surprised but I was warned that AF will arrive with force and am still waiting :clock:

As I was wondering if I should do anything I got summonsed back for blood tests... had them done last week and got told nothing more than Dr has spoken to gynae :shock:

According to google I have PCOS (possible as have had cysts before) or early menopause :shock: (again possible as both mum and grannie were early)... no mention about the fact that I'm still feeding :wall2::wall2::wall2:

Dr this aft and I'm c***ing myself
Good luck but try not to worry until worry is needed and IF needed - Google is BAD you answered it yourself hun x
Hear hear wobbles :)

Google should be banned for everything but shopping, as can be very :evil:

been referred to gynea, appt on 19th march :(
Dr didn't really have any answers
Keep us posted & I know it's hard but try not to worry :hugs:
oestrogen levels were better, but still nowhere near normal, so it could still be feeding, but it seems a bit extreme to refer me on if it she really think it is. My GP knows me quite well, which may be one reason why she hasn't said too much :shrug:

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