goodbye and thank you

thank you everyone for all your lovely messages i will try to pop on thurs and fri evening but after that i wont be around.

Il definetly be keeping in touch with a few of you loads, thank you all :hug: :hug:
I understand your reasons for leaving the forum for now, hope to see you back in the future :hug: :hug:
Bye bye honey :cry:
I will miss you, but I do understand why you feel the need to have a break.
I hope you do come back one day, I'll be looking out for you.

All my love and hugs to you honey :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to see you going hun, but i understand :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wanted to say bye and goodluck hun :wave: :hug: :hug:
totally understand why you need to take some time away hun

Sending you and steve lots of healing vibes and love

Hope to hear from you again on here in ther future when you are ready

Take care

Love Naomi


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
best wishes hunny....

if you ever need a chat then come straight back! :D

valentine said:
Stay in touch on f/book tracey - take care of yourself.


mines lianne dennis if u havnt altready added me :)

good luck and take care and cant wait to see u ack.

dont forget facebook is your friend more so than google :P :cheer: :hug:
all the best tracy hope to see you back here again when you feel ready.

stay strong xx
Sorry to see you going hun, but i understand :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wanted to say bye and goodluck hun :wave: :hug: :hug:
totally understand why you need to take some time away hun

Sending you and steve lots of healing vibes and love

Hope to hear from you again on here in ther future when you are ready

Take care

Love Naomi


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
best wishes hunny....

if you ever need a chat then come straight back! :D

valentine said:
Stay in touch on f/book tracey - take care of yourself.


mines lianne dennis if u havnt altready added me :)

good luck and take care and cant wait to see u ack.

dont forget facebook is your friend more so than google :P :cheer: :hug:
all the best tracy hope to see you back here again when you feel ready.

stay strong xx

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