Good news :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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My ovaries are responding to Clomid, and i have a large follicle ready to pop over weekend on my right ovary....and i can feel it getting stimulated, it aches :)

Next 3 months un-monitored as scan was fine, carry on with 50mg Clomid, if not pregnant by then they'll do some more effective treatment, but i didnt ask what.

If we get pregnant they'll do me an early scan too :)

i feel so happy and so excited i just want to :bd: now ha ha!

Woooooohooooooo xxxxx
Excellent news :) ah I hope you get your sticky bean soon!xx
Woooo hoooo - that's fab Chaz :good:

Just think, at some point this week you might be making your baby :)
Great news Hun!

I'm sure you'll be preggers soon enough! :)

I know im so excited :)

I cant help but think i havent been releasing decent eggs for the last 20 months, as on Clomid....only 1 is 'almost' big enough...17mm she said it measured s my body needed this kick up the arse!!!

What can i do, take to encourage my body???

OH is already planning our bonks for the next few nights ha ha xxx
17mm is a nice size :)

It's a like being a virgin all over again - your first sexual encounter with an egg :lol:

I hope OH is gentle with you ;)
That's fab news Chaz. Fingers and toes crossed for you. xx :dust: :clover: xx
Yeah! So happy for you. Get off the internet and on your oh!!!!!
Ha ha Louise its me thats the animal ;)

They said it releases when its around 20-21mm they were only 13mm on my left ovary.

I feel nervous, as i know im actually going to ovulate this month :) exciting! Can still feel the throb around my ovary area which they said was good as its them waking up and working!

Bum up in the air after :bd: tonight give his (already x6 better than average - the nurse pointed it out again) swimmers a 'help' in hand!

Dont have any soft cups tho....they could have helped!

Whooooop Whoooop!! excellent Chaz!
Now get baby making!!


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