Good News !!!!! (up to now)


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

Had my meeting with the consultant today regarding my Large fundal height measurements on friday (measured 35cm at 28 weeks!!)

was sent for a scan straigt away and was told to expect a large but not extra large baby - it was great seeing our girl again, was advised that shes weighs about 3.5lb already. Had a little extra fluid too but nothing abnormal i was told.

Im booked in to have my glucose test for diabetes on friday and having another scan at 34 weeks to check her weight again

can anyone suggest how or what may happen if the test comes back positive ? will we be monitored more closesly will the diabetes go away after pregnancy ?

im just glad that theres nothing major to worry about ...........
Fab news hun

If the gtt comes back positive they will monitor you very closely and give you all the advice you need on how to manage the diabetes with diet or insulin. Gestational diabetes should go after birth but I have heard of women who don't manage to get rid of it. But again you will be closely monitored after just in case.

Good luck for the result xxxxxxxxx
Thank you ..... I hope it comes back negative, didnt realise there was so much to worry about during pregnancy, il be glad when its finally over and shes made her safe arrival !! :) xxxx
Hi KirstyR, I had my test done and I'm boarderline. I've tried to cut out as much sugar as possible, very hard as I love sweets, chocolate and cakes! I still had a trace of glucose when I went to MW :( but they haven't done anymore with me yet. I see the consultant this Thursday as our little one is small? I also had contraction a couple of weeks ago which have settled now fingers crossed. What did the consultant do with you? x
hi kirsty

how many weeks are you? when you had scan? as i was told that my baby would be on the small side of my chart around 7lb ish and at 28 weeks baby was 2lb 12oz which had increased to 3lb 12oz at 30 weeks!! so just curious to ur weeks as babys weight is not that much different to mine but they have told you big and me small :shakehead: its all very confusing lol

but GTT if positive can be manged through diet or insulin depending on the results you receive, and i cant speak for everyone but the people who i know who have GD said it went after baby was born

fingers crossed its all ok for you xx

my appointment was at 10 this morning, didnt get seen to till 11:30 !!

my consultant read through my notes whilst i was waiting and requested a scan there and then so she could expalin the next steps on the outcome of the scan....

they measured her and checked the liquor volume, before the woman checked the measurments with the graph they use she said its a big baby ? then confirmed the weight as 3.5lb (but i know by looking at previous posts that they are not always accurate)

i then saw my consultant who explained that if she continues to grow likes she is doing now then she will be a big baby but not abnormally big... iv got another scan on the 1st may to check her weight again.

i asked about the liqur volume and was told theres extra fluid but again nothing abnormal

i am 28 weeks and 2 days - since being pregnant iv gained 2 stone :( i think iv grown a sweet tooth too because i love my chocolate and cakes at the minute.

my gtt is friday morning

i hope iv answered your questions ?

Thanks very much, I'll keep you posted on how I get on. Hope you are like me and just boarderline, then you can manage by diet too. Good luck for Friday :) x
yes do please keep me updated, im not looking forward to the fasting after 10pm part though (for th gtt), i do enjoy eating my goodies at night catching up on my tv ! i will keep you updated on Friday :)

Thank you xxx
hey hun

that is a pretty good weight for 28 weeks then as my nephew was born then and was only 2lb 2oz but the weight will vary over the weeks and hopefully the gtt will be fine and the next scan will be a good indicator of how much ur baby will weigh etc :)

fingers crossed for the GTT xxx
Great news hun. Don't worry too much about their guesstimations of baby's size and weight. I did carry excess fluid and it was like a swimming pool for my son lol but they did keep telling me he was a big baby too and I was terrified I was carrying some kind of freak massive baby, but he was tiny when he came out. He was a good weight, 8lb 10oz but he was small size just solid built.

Hope your GTT goes ok xxxx
good luck with GTT, I was in the same boat as you. I had to have GTT, but came back negative. I had 2 growth scans one at 30 weeks and one at 32 weeks, as at 29 weeks I was measuring 35 weeks (cm) and had it measured last week and now i'm measuring 41 weeks (cm), as of last week baby now measures 4 pound 13. They were worried about the volume of fluid I had around the baby thats why they wanted me to have the scans etc, but they ended up saying nothing to worry about it with the fluid, its just baby is going to be a chubby little thing lol. But im pretty worried of what he/she is going to be weighing at the end! lol.
Thank ladies.....I will keep you updated after the test ! my worry is that im not going to be able to push her out myself and they will put me through all the labour and stress and in the end il no doubt end up having to have an emergency section ? Im going back at 34 weeks (1st May) to check on her again. They said my deepest liquor pool was 8.8cm and then on my notes it states liquor volume = normal ??

Thank you !! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hunny if she shows up that big on the scan they won't make you go through labour. Emergency c-sections are a risk we all run for many different reasons but they do them for the safety of us and our babies. Try not to stress over it, you have plenty of time for them to plan ahead depending on results :hug:
I got borderline on my diabetes test IFG improper fasting glucose - dr just advised I use sweetener and limit sugar intake- have to say I haven't really been doing too well on that front but I aim to be better! xxxx

I will be having growth scans at 32 weeks and 36 as I am overweight and it'll be easier to get an accurate measure of the baby- although that said midwife said yesterday I am measuring at 34 so not actually that bad at the moment.

If the baby is too big or breech my consultant said we won't even try a natural just go straight for csetion so heres hoping he's not a porker as I would much prefer a vaginal birth (some one remind me of this in a couple of months!!!!)
Thanks for your adivice :)

I think i worry too much ? Do you think its because iv watched one born every minute every week........(tonights looks interesting) :) im sure il be fine but i always seem to think worst case scenario ! xxxxxxxxxxxx
There's nothing wrong with being prepared hun, but there is something wrong with scaring the crap out of yourself for nothing lol. Try and forget about it a little until you know exactly what's going on xxxxxxxx

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