Good evening


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Good evening everyone

My name is Karen and my husband, Paul and I are expecting our first baby at the end of September this year.

I came off the pill at the end of April after having been on it for 7 years so knew it may take longer to conceive - I think it is fair to say we didn't "try" as much as perhaps we should have.

I went in for a trigger finger operation on 22nd December and was off for three weeks to recover. Needless to say with all that time on my hands (so to speak) we "tried" every day.

Early to mid January the nauseous started, tiredness started to creep in and a horrible metal/blood taste appeared in my mouth no matter what I did. Work mates had suggested a pregnancy test but after previous disappointments I was scared so put it off and off. Anyway after a bereavement in the family I thought right lets do this so on the day of mums aunties funeral I did a home pregnancy test (28 days post last period) it was negative but I have always thought I do them wrong and wasn't entirely convinced so carried on dealing with the sickness feeling etc until I decided enough was enough and to bite the bullet. I handed a sample into the hospital labs and couldnt believe when it came back positive. Paul and I are over the moon and are eagerly awaiting our first scan at 12 weeks on 19th March so we can see our little "minion" (as we call bump just now) and so we can tell the world

Anyway looking forward to meeting other parents to be, new mums on here
Thanks Cosmic Girl

Still finding my way round here as Im more used to guinea pig forums lol xx
Ooooh I love guinea pigs!!! They are so sweet :)
This is not much different I'm sure ;) xx
Aww lovely. I'd love a guinea pig or two but I have two 3 year olds and they can be quite rough with their cuddles. Maybe when they're bigger xx

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