Good description of labour


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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I have yet to experience Labour, but I love this description of it. I have always suffered from severe leg cramp and imagine contraction pains to feel similar?? am I very wrong lol???

"I knew in advance that the best way to deal with it would be to just surrender myself over to it, but I didn't know just how much I would have to do that. Labor is like being strapped to a rocket and getting shot into space at a thousand miles an hour.The weight of the atmosphere is crushing you, nd the wind is blowing so hard against you, but there's nothing you can do about it because you're strapped to that rocket. You just go along for the ride and wait till you land. There's no point in fighting it.

Now when the baby actually came out, I had no pain at all because I was in the pool. I didn't feel comfortable in it during labor, so I probably would have hurt a lot less had I been in the water more. But I had no ring of fire, no nothing. I didn't feel myself tear. I broke my tailbone and didn't even feel THAT until afterwards. Hell, I even stood up in the pool with the baby half hanging out of me because his shoulders got stuck, and I didn't feel that either. I guess it might have been because I was so thrilled to be in that moment that the last thing on my mind was how much it hurt."
That's a great description! I love it, I think that's what I needed to hear right about now ;)
My contractions felt like really sore, tight pins and needles. Not at all like what I expected. Werent as bad as I imagined :-)
My contractions felt like really sore, tight pins and needles. Not at all like what I expected. Werent as bad as I imagined :-)

I asked someone whether they felt like this the other day and they said no! I think I've bin in slow labour for 2 days then! Been in agony with period pains and tighteningss in my bump and pins and needles in my back.

I'm at the hospital this afternoon so I'm going to ask them to check me :)

tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!
Just before I had my LO someone once said to me that the feeling is "very familiar"...I didn't really know what she meant, but as soon as I was in labour I knew! Weird eh?

Did you ever get that dull ache underneath when you had AF? That dull ache kind of dragging feeling?? My labour was like that but a lot more intense. The pain in my back was the worst though as LO was in an almost back to back position.
I only ever had that dragging feeling with Af so hopefully it will be familiar then. I suffer with IBS and the cramps I get with that are bad bowl/stomach contractions where I can't speak. I'm so worried about labour feeling worse :/ xx
Just before I had my LO someone once said to me that the feeling is "very familiar"...I didn't really know what she meant, but as soon as I was in labour I knew! Weird eh?

Did you ever get that dull ache underneath when you had AF? That dull ache kind of dragging feeling?? My labour was like that but a lot more intense. The pain in my back was the worst though as LO was in an almost back to back position.

I've got the dragging feeling. My scan is at 2pm so all depends on my scan if he's not grown as well as he should ill be a mummy by the end of this week. Scared

tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!

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