gonna have a mini rant, feel free to ignore!


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Jun 29, 2010
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8.30 am 25th January was my first contraction that led to a full day of 5 minutes apart contractions.

today, same story. so ive been contracting non stop for 39 hours. And im getting a bit tired! ive slept, just woke up from a nap again, and hope to get a full nights sleep tonight as well, but christ this is a nightmare!

My midwife did say today that this is the latent phase and with first babies its normal for it to last days, so i have to accept it and get over it really, but its hard work.

Today we have had some progress in the sense that they are a lot more painful than yesterday. i only hope this doesnt go on for too many more days with not a lot of progress cos its hard!

I am doing eviction stuff too, it just doesnt seem to be hurrying anything along.

COME ON BABY!! :wall2:
It's good you can still sleep through them though for now. Maybe it will reach a certain stage and then just kick off!
Getting yourself stressed and anxious isnt going to help anything lol, you need to try and relax and just let it go over you're head untill you know .. "this is it". The more you get anxious about it the more you're stressin yourself and the baby, I guess, but can see and understand your frustration lol
i had contractions on the night 10 mins apart then my water broke they were 7 mins apart at 3am then 3 mins apart at 7pm and Jack was born at 10.05pm. I had my 2nd sweep the day before but had one a week previous. I wasn't expecting the first one to work as it was a week before my due date. Have you had a bath.. I was on my exercise ball.. Going for walks and LOTS of sex in lots of positions. But the bath on the day he was born made my contractions speed up. I actually had 2. The first one i fell asleep and OH had to come wake me then i slept 2 hours in bed then got up had 2nd bath and was only in it 15 mins as the pain was crazy. I got dressed and went straight to hospital x
im not actually full on stressing, im just a bit fed up lol. like im not tense or anything, just having a moan x
thanks K&A i am trying all these things - hope they work :) xx
:hug: I was the same with Sam - by the end of the first day they were well over a minute long and every 4-8 minutes but because they weren't completely regular they just told me to go to bed and sleep (not likely - they might have been slightly irregular but they were so painful!!) Glad I didn't bother going in though because they were the same for the whole of the next day and when I went in at 7pm that night (my induction was booked for then so they told me to come in anyway just to be checked over) I was still only 3cm!! I cried! Things suddenly got going though and they kept me in and he was born 12 hours later though, so hopefully the same will happen for you sometime soon! x x
hello.. i just got in from work and not been online all day so i wondered how you are doing...aargrgh you poor thing! yes you must try to sleep when /if you can... and i know this sounds mean but it is great that something is happening at least! .. imagine if nothing at all was happening and then you would be probably getting more disheartened by now.... your contractions sound like you're deffo gearing up for the big event and it could all happen very quickly once your body decides it's time.

when i had josie i went in on the thurs morning to be induced and straight away it gave me contractions that were regular but it took 2 days for me to actually start dilating.i didn't sleep at all the thurs night.. then contractions all day fri too... had 3 hours sleep fri night after a shot of pethedine and then woke up 3am sat morning with the biggest contraction ever and i was finally 1cm! so then my waters were broken at midday on the saturdayand i had josie at 2am sunday morning.

So my point is this...although i had hardly slept for 3 days and had contractions for virtually all of that time i felt AWAKE as anything for the labour and just kept getting energy from god knows where!!! So my point is this... yes you should definately "try" to sleep but don't let it worry you too much if you can't. Get little cat naps here and there whenever you can and keep eating and drinking to keep your energy up. I still swear to this day that when i finally relaxed and fell asleep on the fri night before i had josie that it was THEN....WHILST I WAS ASLEEP that my cervix decided it was finally "time"!!!!!!! (although the shot of pethedine definately helped me to sleep!)

anyway just do your best hun, you are doing a fab job already and it is great to know something is happening rather than nothing at all (although i'm sure you are cursing those contractions by now wishing that nothing was going on!)

take care and relax as much as you can x x x x
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Thanks guys! You all keep me sane and to know I'm not the only one is great :) I am just trying to remember it will happen soon. Ive waited 9 months so what's the harm in a few more days. I'm going to be so thankful when I get to the pushing part I can't wait! Lol! 1 step at a time though eh. Just had sex (sorry if a little tmi) and hoping that contributes, but if it doesn't it was good anyway so has perked me up a little :) x
I've been told that help's lol, maybe you should go for it again :D
i did it alot.. Its the most advised one from midwife. There all just old wives tales but fun to try. But baby will come when its ready. And when it starts ull get such an adrellanin rush!! So exciting but scary. Its like you come out of ur body for the whole thing :) good luck. Hope it happens soon for you x
hope you had a good night (as well as can be expected)... let's see what another day brings today - i am so excited for you. It's funny how you said before that some bits of the pregnancy seem to fly by and then it gets to now and 1 day feels like forever for you! Have you kept a note of everything as i bet you'll love to look back at what happens on these days leading up to it. I just find it amazing that one day you are pregnant and then before you know it it has all happened and you're back home with a child for the rest of your life!!! And honestly try try try to make those first few weeks and months last forever because you will look back and say that they flew by. Cherish every second of those first newborn weeks! omg i am so so soooooooo excited for you - this is it....your birth story has begun!!! x x x x
Ah treeze your awesome. Lol. I had like 10 hours sleep and ha about 4 contractions each hour so wasn't too bad actually! Today I'm going to go for a walk and do whatever. Not really thinking driving is the best idea as my contractions make me stop in my path so gonna his take the dogs for a stroll and see what happens.

Funnily enough, I have been keeping record in a written diary thing, so I can look back and remember everything. It was one of my best ideas I think! X
ah glad to hear you got some sleep :hug: you sound so positive, I was having a full blown meltdown by this stage, you really do have my sympathy!! youre having the best warm up ever for labour, once it gets going it'll be fab.

I was thinking of you last night and it occured to me that I should probably mention this, just incase: Can I suggest you do some reading up on syntocinin drip just incase they suggest it for you? I had a really long labour like you and they just told me I was having it rather than offering and I was so tired by that stage it didnt occur to me that there was any choice in the matter. My advice would be if youre happy to keep going as you are, and your baby is healthy and content where she is dont go near the stuff, yes it would speed things up but it aint fun at all, and increases the chance of distressing the baby (and you!)
Thanks tiny, yeah I have kind of decided I'd rather avoid the drip as I am quite happy to carry on as I am, midwife said baby is fine and heart beat is fine so I'm not going to worry. I'm just trying to relax and carry on as normal, my induction isn't til next Thursday and I'm hoping I don't need it by then, but will bear that in mind. Plus I want to be mobile and stuff, and I knownits continuous monitoring with that drip, thanks for the advice I'm glad you mentioned it :) x
:yay: I thought you'd be on the case cos i know youre really switched on but I thought Id be gutted if I didnt say something and you went through that for no good reason. Im still really excited for you :)
I had the drip but I could still be mobile and move about the room x
Oh good, well if I do ave to have it I'll be glad if I can move! X

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