gone off food.. TOTALLY


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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hey Girlies. howz u and ya bumps all feeling???

i am little worried, i have had not had any morning sickness,just feeling yucky. but i have totally gone off food. i thought when your pregnant you cant stop eating? i think i could go all day and not eat anything :-( when ever i even think about eating it makes me feel sick!

any suggestions on what to do... i know its not good got my bean if im not eating...???!!!??? but i really reeeeally cant face food! i do eat a little but i feel full and sicky afterwards!

i am 7 or 8 weeks now. and i am also still have tummy cramps, is this normal still?

thank you for reading :hug:

:cheer: 5days till Christmas :cheer:
Hi :wave:

That sounds very familiar!! Iv been in exactly the same situation. No actual sickness but the most awful nausea.
I had to force myself to eat, just things like toast though and chips. Mainly dry things with near enough no flavour!!
I had been feeling better and slowly starting to get my appetite back but today I'm feeling rubbish again! Make sure you drink plenty.
I think by the time the morning sickness passes you'l eat more than enough to make up for the lack of food just now!

You're not alone, I feel neaseus all the time and have to force myself to eat. My husband has just cooked some pumpkin soup, the 1st thing I went off, and now I feel so sick at the smell of it and I'm not sure I can eat my dinner.

On Friday is his works Christmas do and the boss pays for all the dinners :pray: ing I can eat it as they don't know I'm pregnant.


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