Going to theatre for d&c in hour been at hosp since 7.30am


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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Hi girls just lay in my bed with my tablet in for an hour waiting for them to take me to theatre! Been here since 7.30 am n I'm so hungry n thirsty bit will all be over soon. Putting my focus into ttc as soon as my bodys ready! Hopefully it won't happen again! Hope ur all well girls x
Genius being on the forum whilst at hospital!! I wish I had thought of that last week!! Glad you're okay xx
thanx girls have just been discharged now 14 hours later. took my needle out of my hand and it started squirting blood everywhere and they couldnt stop it, was funny afterwards! never seen so much blood in my life! feel ok now, but they think i should be off for the rest of the week. she also said if i got pg straight away id miscarry again, which is a disapointment! thanx for all your support! x
She said what?! :shock:

Plenty of stories where women have d&c's and get pregnant right away with no issue...

I'm sure she is trying to be cautious on your behalf, but it seems rather cruel to me for her to be so brutal when what she says isn't very accurate.

It seems to me that she has an opinion and she is trying to force it upon others by scaring them.

Just do what you feel right and do lots of reading if you are unsure :)

Glad you seem ok and looking to the future :hug:
Agree with LouiseB Hun - she may think the odds are against you but hey things can happen!!! Who is she to know!?!?!?

Glad it went well and hope your feeling ok. Don't forget to just relax xx

thanx girls well i have read on here a few ladies have got pregnant in 4 weeks think il just know wen my body is ready! im not even getting cramps now and minimal bleeding so will see wen its safe to bd again!! x
Hope you are ok, I only bled the day of the D&C, I can't believe the nurse said that to you about mc'ing :shock:
yeah she just said not to have a bath or shower for 24 hours and to rest up! gave me loads of painkillers but wont tske them as i feel fine! but she said not to have sex for 2 to 3 weeks and when we do to use the relevant contraception as ul most likely miscarry again straight after! charming! however the girl that helped take me to theatre and back said she had the same last year was pregnant again in a month and no probs, so think its just opinion. she was old the other lady bit oldschool opinions i think! x
Big hugs hunny. I also think it's disgusting of her to say that to you. My experience of healthcare professionals of late has made me think some of them took the wrong career path. I guess they just can't teach you sensitivity and compassion at university.

yeah i was suprised by it but last thing id want is for it all to happen again if i did it so quickly after so not sure whether to wait for next af or start taking folic acid now and get just have fun n see! its a tough one x
i think the main thing is to not try and have sex to quickly we treid as soon as the bleeding stopped and it was very very sore and painful and i ended up crying and very upset as i thought id never be able to do the deed and get preg again (this was5 weeks after, in fact after my next period 2 weeks later (i seemed to constantly bleed) we were able to have sex again gradually no problem. there is no rule about when is a good time to ttc for me i dont want to try until after this baby would have been born but many people prefer to ttc as soon as possible. there is no reason you cant in fact many people say theys get preg quicker after a d & c. i have to say its all very emotional at the start so make sure you are both ready thats all. we also had to have folic acid for a minimum of 12 weeks prior to ttc as our baby had a certain condition. but this depends on the reasons for mc IF there were any. good luck a great idea to be on forum wish i had thought of that!!!! x

big hugs and look after yourself x
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