Going to take the chilled approach...


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hey ladies,

well my cramping seems to be Flo making an appearance... :eh:

:eh:Im not out yet but feel its not gonna be our month.

Im going to test on fathers day if she hasnt arrived. as that will be day 31 I have had 32 days before but only once.

IF this isnt a positive, next month im not gonna come on here and remind myself of it. Im going to do it every other day, and this time AFTER OPK is positive as I did it before, on the OPK day and the day after. Maybe I should have saved it??

I know im only cycle 1, but ive been off the pill for 6 months and as some of you know have had plenty of incidents!! ahem...:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:

so plan for next month...

no thinking about eating pregnant lady foods ... just in case I am...,
No testing every 5 mins on OPK's
Saving spermies for 3 days before Pos OPK
and relaxing lots. BATHS, chillout days, long walks and healthy foods, less caffine.

anyone else got any tips.

Sorry about that rant.

Also .... how many DPO would you test???? or did you test?
Your plan sounds great hun. I tested with an early pregnancy test 10 dpo and got a faint line, which I regret as ended in chemical pregnancy, so now I think I'm going to wait about a week after af is due. In saying that I know its going to be a challenge because its easier said than done. Good luck, fx for you xx
Your plan sounds perfect, I'm going to pinch it! ;-)

I'm not going to test until AF is due, my sister didn't get a faint positive until she was2 days late so I'm not going to torture myself. All I could think about this month was 'am I pregnant', literally 24/7 and it was a horrible feeling.

I'm going to be disciplined and in control this cycle.

I hope your plan works!

Your idea is great! Aiming to relax is fantastic! :)

A few other tips:
Try to make your diet more alkaline including more veggies
Send love to your belly
Try reducing alcohol as well

I think following the recommendations of Natural Fertility would be excellent...
Lot's of love,
Thanks guys :) it's just too taxing thinking about ttc all the time! I will try next month not thinking about it the month after or maybe a few more down the line try something like agnus!

It's a rollercoaster of emotion ain't it??? I can't take these bfn!! Xc
Hi Hun I might join you on this, I never realised what a rollercoaster this ttc lark is :( I def don't think it's my month, so not testing again until Sunday
Good luck Hun x
You too Hun! Let's hope fathers day testing brings us all luck!! :) xx
Def great approach AC!!
I was actually quite calm this month (after being symptom spotting freak fanatic last month)
I had weird tingly nipples and some mood swings that made me think could i be??
But in reality we only tried the once and prob too early.
When Af cam i didnt feel the huge dissapointment that i did last month.

P.s i was a huge party animal back in my day too!!

Good luck!!!

Thanks corrinne! Its such a dissapointment and I get all those.... is everything ok with us..... type of thoughts!! ARGH.

I hope you get ur BFP soon!! xx
Thanks corrinne! Its such a dissapointment and I get all those.... is everything ok with us..... type of thoughts!! ARGH.

I hope you get ur BFP soon!! xx

ahh yes you too and everyone else on here!!

Baby dust to all!! xx

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